I. A Look at a Parallel Passage - 1 Pet. 3:1-5 A. The Context - 1 Pet. 2:21 “For hereunto you were called; BECAUSE CHRIST ALSO SUFFERED FOR US, LEAVING US AN EXAMPLE.” B. What we are discussing is something that is OF GREAT PRICE in the sight of God.
II. Our Passage - 1 Tim. 2:8-15 A. Men express piety by public expression. Lifting holy hands in prayer. 1. The whole family comes to worship. Children come too. They are not second class citizens in the church of Jesus Christ, and neither are the women. 2. The males are up front praying with the lifting up of holy hands… because that’s their role. They are the federal representatives. 3. The elders make sure that what we are getting is edifying. 4. The pastor is not a special priest… or a high priest. That’s where people begin to twist things… and impose the OT where the NT won’t allow it. 5. In the OT the whole family ate of the sacrificial meals.
B. Women express by piety by dress, heart attitude, silence, and child-bearing. 1. Women Express Piety by Modest apparel. . Modest = (kosmiw) (from Kosmos- order) connotes an orderly, proper and appropriate arrangement of things. Clothing that is thoughtfully arranged. There is an orderly coordination that must take place within herself and between herself and her external circumstances. a. Clothing that is selected according to a certain state of the heart. Shamefacedness --- Very rare word - 2X (Josephus uses once and Paul uses once) A sense of unworthiness… It is the desire, the impulse to hide. The capacity to be embarrassed. Sobriety --- The godly woman is rooted in her sense of modesty, self-control, and good judgment. The opposite of obnoxious and rude women who’s goal it is to call attention to herself. An immodest woman says by her dress “Look at me! Look at my body parts!” b. Avoidance of costly array c. Dressed in good works. 1 Tim 5 --- The good life of a beautiful woman of God is described…“Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet.” 2. Women express piety by learning in silence with all subjection 3. Godliness expressed by tranquility. a. The godly women are not to teach in the church. vs.12a b. The godly women are to be silent - “a tranquillity arising from within, causing no disturbance to others.” 1 Cor. 14:34 c. The godly women are not to hold authority over men. Cultural trappings? Paul bases his argument in creation and the fall. Man first created Woman first fell... by deception. 4. Godliness expressed through the dominion/kingdom work of childbearing. She does not manifest her faith in Loud, Public preaching, in holding authority over the man... But how exactly does she exhibit her faith, and work the dominion work? - In A Very Important Work Rooted in Faith, Charity, and Holiness. This work is bringing forth children! Child bearing! As a woman brings forth a child in faith and proceeds to raise the child in faith, she fulfills a great purpose of living out God’s will for her in dominion, righteousness, and holiness (2 Tim. 1:5, Prov. 1:8, 4:3, 6:20, 10:1, 15:20, 23:25, 30:17, 31:1, Ps. 113:9) .