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Homosexual Marriage Part Four of Four – Application
Posted by: Grace Community International | more..
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Dear Prayer Warriors,

Following are seven applications that the believer can make regarding homosexual marriage based on the Word of God.

First of all, submit your own values to the Word of God. The Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is a sin and that this sin is a choice – homosexuals “exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural.” The Bible teaches that the sin of homosexuality is abhorrent to God. It is classified as “degrading,” “unnatural,” “indecent” and worthy of ”due penalty” from God (Romans 1:26-27). Irrespective of the impact of the Fall on man’s nature, propensity to sin and genetic make-up, he is still held accountable to God for his sin (Romans 5:12). The fall of man and man’s inherent sin nature have never been mitigating arguments for the practice of sin, nor the judgment of sin.

Second, require a clear statement of gender from your church and para-church ministries with whom you minister (Matthew 5:37). I can remember asking the director of a large para-church ministry about an issue of moral conduct among his staff. His response was, “I have no first-hand knowledge of behavior such as that.” Of course, that is institutional speak. An international director may not have “first-hand knowledge” but at the same time, know for certain that such behavior does exist. Another example is when I asked the director about the stand of his organization on baptism. He responded, “I would rather not respond by email. It is a difficult subject, so perhaps we can talk face to face the next time you are in town.” Again, institutional double talk. Do not settle for ambiguous statements such as “we must love the sinner, yet hate the sin; we are all sinners and make mistakes; we want to help people as they work through their feelings in a non-judgmental way” and other such statements. Those who have chosen to rebel against God and sin through homosexual actions are involved in a willful and heinous sin. They are not working through anything - they are willfully sinning. A person who is a thief - who steals from the church or parishioners - this person is not working through his decision, he is practicing it. It is the same with the homosexual. There must be no ambiguity about the sin of the practice of homosexuality in the church.

Third, you have a right to know if your church or parachurch ministry is reaching out to homosexuals, integrating them within the church body and allowing them unfettered access to the boys and girls in your church (1 Corinthians 5:11). Ask up front and demand a clear answer the following two questions: Is your ministry fellowship open to homosexuals? Does your ministry screen for homosexuals in terms of involvement in activities, retreats, etc.? Many churches and para-church groups carry on clandestine ministries to homosexuals. They have practicing and so-called celibate homosexuals attending church or para-church activities. You have the right to know about these "ministries." I would not attend a church that reaches out and incorporates drug dealers, pornography dealers, pedophiles, prostitutes, rapists or homosexuals in the general children’s, youth or young people’s population. I did not say a church should not minister to these people, lead them to Christ and, once they are fully repentant and in control of their passions, introduce them to the general population. But before such repentance, the church’s mandate is to protect and nourish the Christians, particularly the children and youth. This is also true of para-church youth camps and college ministries. I would want a clear statement that individuals struggling with certain sins will not be sharing the same cabin, activities and events as my child. I would not send my children to a church camp, church retreat or para-church camp that does not screen for homosexuals. Would you consider sending your child to any of the above if showers, cabins, dressing rooms, etc. were mixed in terms of the heterosexual population? Of course not. In terms of homosexuals, that is just what is occurring if attendance is not screened. Many naïve parents homeschool or send their children to private schools to protect them from just such a situation and then turn around and place them in church and para-church settings which are just as dangerous as a public school in terms of homosexual exposure.

Fourth, do not support any ministry, either financially or as a co-laborer, that does not make a clear statement of gender, the sin of homosexuality and the rejection of the so called “celibate” homosexual (2 Corinthians 6:14). This is where hard decisions have to be made. A church or para-church stand on homosexuality is not a the same as a difference of opinion on choir vs. praise band; on informal vs. formal attire in church; on organ vs. piano; or other minor side issues. This is a major issue which requires hard choices. Yes, it is true that we all sin, but it is not true that we all rape, commit incest or practice homosexual acts. You may have attended a church for years or sent your children to certain camps for years. You may have supported certain para-church ministries for years. You may have a long history with these groups and activities, but there can be no compromise on this issue.

Fifth, do not allow the secular community to choose the playing field. The Christian view of homosexuality is far more compassionate than the evolutionary/determinist model. The Christian view emphasizes the worth of the individual and the freedom of choice. The evolutionary model condemns the homosexual to extinction (elimination from the gene pool) and offers no choice (made that way). It is time to hold the secularist to a consistent application to their arguments across the whole range of sexual conduct and behavior. The determinist view creates a moral madhouse - what about rape, pedophilia, bestiality, sadomasochism or sexual predators? What about other actions such as anger or murder? If there is a genetic propensity for these actions, will they be allowed? If you cannot “regulate morals” will they be allowed? The “gender movement” has already arbitrarily classed cross-dressing and bisexuals as a race. Any sexual desire is said to be one’s nature. By what authority does science limit race, class or people to homosexuals? Why not include rapists or murderers? Contrastingly, Christianity labels all of these as decisions - which can be made and from which we can repent. As Christians, we reject homosexuality, bi-sexuality and all other sinful choices of man. The evolutionary view also contains many pitfalls, both in the devaluing of the homosexual as a human with the right to propagate and in the moral conclusions which can and should be made to the evolutionary model of the propagation of the gene pool. It is the same with the argument of homosexuality within the animal kingdom. If homosexuality is argued as a genetic anomaly from the animal kingdom, then this should also be applied to the other sexual practices in the animal kingdom which secularists would find abhorrent.

Sixth, do not fall into the lie of satan that there are righteous “celibate homosexuals” (2 Corinthians 7:10-11). Thieves in a “holding pattern” are still thieves. Pedophiles in a “holding pattern” are still pedophiles. Adulterers in a “holding pattern” are still adulterers. Those who are not practicing but still desiring that which they have ceased to practice have not fully repented. They are a moral time bomb in a “holding pattern.” Many churches and Christian ministries, caught in the deception of false compassion, open their doors to the so-called “celibate homosexual.” Demand a clear statement from your church on this issue. On the surface, homosexual celibacy seems plausible, even noble. The heterosexual has urges; he controls those urges and that is victory over sin. It is important, though, to remember that the heterosexual urge or desire is from God. It is not sinful to be attracted to the opposite sex. This is where the breakdown occurs with the so-called “celibate homosexual,” for the very urge is sinful. For the homosexual to simply pledge to not practice his depravity is not enough. The sin of homosexuality is not simply the action but the desire behind the action. Homosexuality is different from heterosexual sins in that not only is the action a sin, not only is the desire a sin, but also the propensity to have this desire, the very nature is a sin. For the heterosexual, adultery (or fornication) is a sin; pornography is a sin; lust is a sin - but the heterosexual desire, the nature that creates this propensity is not a sin. It is righteousness. It is a part of our creation. Contrastingly, for the homosexual to bring the desire under control is not righteousness - for the very propensity which results in this desire is depraved and a heinous sin. As long as the homosexual has the desire for sexual relations with his or her same sex, then the homosexual is in rebellion against God and must be ministered to as such.

Lastly, decide now that you will never have the following type of conversation (Mark 9:42). You are surprised to be asked to visit (the pastor, church counselor or Christian counselor) that your child has been seeing. You enter the room, and you can cut the tension with a knife. Sitting on one side of the room is your adult child, face streaked with tears. It is obvious that there has been a great emotional catharsis taking place. The pastor/counselor begins, “Did you know that the (camp, youth group, church) in which you involved your child was ministering to homosexuals?” Then the next question: “Did you know that your child was repeatedly molested by a homosexual in that ministry setting?” That is a conversation you never want to have, and the first step is to avoid at all costs any ministry which incorporates homosexuals into the general population. You ask, “But what if they have repented?” If they have truly repented, then they are not homosexuals. But the thing you have to do is ask follow-up questions because many well-meaning ministries will simply not be truthful with you. This is for two reasons. First, misplaced compassion on their part. And second, they know that if the truth of this ministry were known, it would create a financial and attendance backlash (which it well should).

By His mercy,
II Corinthians 4:1
Rev. John S. Mahon
Grace Community Int.

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