Romans 1:26-27 states that "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. "
Hard Science, Bad Science First things first. In terms of black and white hard established scientific facts/laws, there is no scientific evidence of the existence of predestined, irreversible homosexuality by chromosome or genetics. Secondly, in terms of classifications of people, there exists only the X & Y chromosome. There exists no scientific gender other than male or female. In other words, there is no “Z” chromosome, creating another classification of people apart from male and female. To declare that, as a homosexual, one is a separate classification of existence by birth is to step outside the realm of science. Homosexuality, so far as biological science is concerned, is a choice and not a predetermined existence based on genetics, chromosome or biological makeup.
Having said this, there is considerable research on this subject. This research, however, cannot be viewed as totally objective for, in my opinion, much of it is done looking for the “Holy Grail” of genetic proof, rather than simply researching the universal genetic commonalities of all homosexuals as opposed to the heterosexual population.
Implications for Homosexual Research Findings Some recent studies do suggest some biological plausibility or predisposition towards homosexuality, but this research is much more nuanced than a simple "homosexual gene" and deals with epigenetics (the manner in which a gene interacts with its environment) and cascades triggered by said interactions. It's worth noting that just because such a predisposition might exist (since this has not been proven), does not mean that the resultant action (or in this case lifestyle) is inevitable.
Many studies evaluating epigenetic factors and alcoholism, sexual aggression and anger have found links between the two. But this does not mean that those persons with this biological composition MUST by nature become alcoholics, a rapist or a murderer. Rather, it suggests a tendency towards this behavior, which can be overcome, and offers encouragement towards those who struggle with this predisposition (or "disease" as it's referred to in scientific literature). One being predisposed to a certain behavior more than others is true in many areas. For those who are predisposed, the fact that there is a very "real" explanation and that one's fate (so-to-speak) is not sealed, should be a great encouragement to resist, not an enabling excuse to indulge.
This level of predisposition is in complete compatibility with holy Scripture, particularly the doctrine of imputation. The fall of man entailed not simply man’s moral nature but also his physical nature, including possible fallen genetic material. We accept many difficulties and challenges faced by individuals as a result of fallen genetic material, encompassing both physical and behavioral outcomes. While the expression of some of these traits is beyond an individual's control (e.g. Down’s syndrome), modern science asserts that there are many behavioral tendencies encoded in our DNA over which we still have the power to exert influence (e.g. alcoholism). When discussing the epigenetic basis for behaviors, we ought not to arbitrarily separate homosexuality apart from said science, as this does justice neither to modern science nor to the biblical doctrines of the Fall and imputation.
Secondly, there is evidence of homosexual behaviors in animals in nature. To emulate or replicate animal moral behavior has always been viewed by God as a descent into moral depravity (2 Peter 2:12) Some argue that, since homosexual behavior is manifested in other species in nature, it proves genetic link determinism in humans. This, however, is a very slippery slope in terms of the descent into moral chaos. Simply because homosexuality is found in nature, does not mean that we accept it as a human behavioral norm (e.g. various species of animals birth their young and then abandon them shortly thereafter, others eat their young, still others eat their mate). If animal sexual behavior justifies human sexual behavior, then the fact that most, if not all, procreation by animals is forced would offer a compelling excuse for rape. Christians, however, reject animal behavior from that of humans, both in creation and in moral accountability. There are many aspects of animal social and sexual behavior which would be criminal if practiced by man. Society does not condone these same actions in humans and to separate out and justify homosexual behavior as justifiable because of the actions of animals is inconsistent with the distinctions society makes in other areas of sexual and social behavior. We ought not to be surprised to find fallen behaviors exhibited in the natural world as the Fall did not only impact humanity. And even in these instances in nature, it's observed as unnatural as these interactions don't result in the furtherance of life.
I can think of a clear example of this which occurred in my ethics course for my Masters at Moody Graduate School in Chicago. (This Masters program was composed of full time ministers in their respective churches and spanned the denominational spectrum.) The subject of a genetic link or predisposition to homosexuality was brought up. I was surprised to hear one of the men speak up on this subject. He was extremely effeminate in his physical composition (not in dress). He had high cheek bones, virtually no facial hair, very soft white skin, long feminine fingers, a high voice, slender - in fact, I had often wondered if he were not a closet homosexual or bi-sexual. He used himself as an example, saying that his body, as created by God, gave the first impression of homosexuality and, as a result, he was often approached by them from his early years. He affirmed, though, that this was not an excuse for him to be homosexual, bi-sexual or bitter at God. He was happily married, had four children and was in every other respect an all-American male. He went on to affirm that no genetic anomaly – either physical or mental - was an excuse to be sinful. It may make obedience harder, but it was not an excuse to sin.
This reality frees the homosexual from both the determinism of false science (the notion that "this is who I am and I can do nothing about it”) and from the cruelty of the evolutionary model of procreation. For the evolutionist, the height of Nature’s good is the advancement of the gene pool through propagation of the species. To say that homosexuals are genetically predetermined is to say that Nature/evolution is weeding them out of the gene pool and that they are destined for extinction. You cannot have it both ways - either there is no hard scientific proof of genetic homosexuality as a separate class of humanness, or there is such proof and that means homosexuals, as a class, have been set aside by nature to be eliminated from the gene pool.
The Christian approach is far less cruel than that of the secular evolutionist/determinist. For the Christian, homosexuality is a choice, a decision. The Christian view that homosexuality is a wrong choice is much more compassionate than the humanist model, which makes homosexuals victims of the evolutionary model and doomed to the stigma of being eliminated from the gene pool.
Next Week: Homosexual Marriage Part Four of Four - Application
By His mercy, II Corinthians 4:1 Rev. John S. Mahon Grace Community Int.