June 1, 2014
The Hope of the Gospel of Grace
I plunged into the crimson flood
That washes white as snow;
And I looked at the Son of God,
He satisfies, I know.
I kneeled down at the Savior’s feet.
Like the women of old,
I bathed His feet with tears of grief,
His mercy saved my soul.
I’ve no claim to mercy and grace,
I’m a sinner, brother.
If God hears me; His face I see,
Twill be through Another
So if a man can spare the time,
And has a heart to learn,
I’ll tell all an old, old story
Of Jesus Christ, my Lord.
How the Savior came to this world;
Why He became a man,
To show His She-ki-nah glory;
The hope through grace to man.
Tune: ‘Amazing Grace’ #236
Who cares about Gods Love?
Men have been told over and over again that God loves them, I would ask you what good does the love of God do you? Does it make you desire to live to His glory, or cause you to call on Him daily, or attend a place where the gospel is preached? Do you ever even think about the love of God? Does God enter your thoughts at all? When God loves a sinner He does something effectual for that sinner; “ In the time of love I passed by thee and said unto thee live I said live” (Ezek.16: 5-8). He loved Jacob before he was born; he had not done any good or evil that the purpose of God according to election might stand. The same thing will happen to Gods elect that happened to Paul, hear his words; “When it pleased God who separated me from my mothers womb, and called me by His grace to reveal His Son in me” (Gal. 1:15). “ In love having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will” (Eph.1: 4-5) The average person absolutely doesn’t care at all about the love of God, and to be told over and over again that God loves them is obscene. God loves his elect and he will manifest his love to them in time. If you would take a close look into Gods word you would see that no one told men indiscriminately that God loves them. Those to whom the love of God was manifested were overwhelmed by the truth that God loved them, and had always loved them, with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:30). Men today are not enthralled with the love of God, it is just ho-hum, so what else is new.
- Pastor
Faith a gift of God
Before any sinner can or will come to Christ, he must be born again. Faith is the result, not the cause of the new birth. That faith by which we receive God's salvation in Christ is the gift of God. "Salvation is of the Lord," in its entirety! It is not of works at any time in a believers life, God will never be brought into debt by the works of any man, he will never owe a blessing, all is of grace. Faith in Christ is as much the gift and work of God's free grace as election, redemption, and regeneration. If you believe, it is because God has given you faith (Phil. 1:29). You "believe according to the working of his mighty power" (Eph. 2:19). Faith is not the work of the sinner's imaginary "free will". Faith is the gift of God's sovereign grace, the result of God's operation upon the heart. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God."
- Pastor
Every religion that holds to, stands on, and promotes their doctrine, HAS MISSED CHRIST.
If my religion is based on the actual 7th day of the week, I’ve missed CHRIST MY SABBATH!
If my religion is built on speaking in tongues, I’ve missed CHRIST MY WORD!
If my religion is dependent upon my works, I’ve missed CHRIST MY AUTHOR AND FINISHER!
If my religion stops at me being baptized in a pool of water, I’ve missed CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED!
- Pastor Gabe Stalnaker
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· Religion is to know biblical facts; life is to know God (I John 5:20).
· Religion is to know what I believe; life is to know Whom I believe (2 Timothy 1:12).
· Religion is to be baptized into the church; life is to be baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3).
· Religion is to be reformed; life is to be regenerated (John 3:3). . Religion is to be a new convert; life is to be a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). - Henry T. Mahan