Pablo Cachon | Clovis, California
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Conviction: Where Christian Leadership Begins and Continues
The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters . By Albert Mohler. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 2012. Every pastor, elder, and evangelical leader should read this book. We need to hear Mohler's message. Leadership is not primarily about pragmatics, innovation, winsome personality, or even the ability to draw a crowd. It's about conviction, particularly for the believer, conviction about the authority, inerrancy, reliability, and sufficiency of Scripture!
It is conviction about the Word of God that will carry the leader through various trials. It is conviction about the Word of God that will bring stability and endurance to the church or organization through the shifting culture. It is conviction that will guarantee true success, which is faithfulness to God.
Leadership begins, continues, and ends with conviction, principle-driven ideas and initiatives, clear communication of those Word-centered principles, and the intentional operatives to keep those core convictions remaining at the center of the church or organization long after you, the leader, have departed.
Conviction to Lead is not only a timely challenge for leaders in a topsy-turvy world, but it was more than a little overwhelming to read for this leader. After Mohler makes his case for conviction-led leadership, he then maps out the ways in which conviction will steer the leader in all aspects of leadership - 25 of them all together! Whew! I could've handled 10, but 25!?!
That's when the Lord gently reminded me of a "conviction" I hold from Scripture. The only way we can accomplish anything the Lord calls us to is by the power given through the Holy Spirit. We must rely on God to fulfill His calling in our lives. Mohler, like others, are examples of how Spirit-filled, Spirit-led men are leaders.
May we lead our lives, our families, our wives, our churches, and our ministries from and by conviction - conviction that the Bible is true, Jesus is God, and salvation is obtained only in Him. God give us conviction - to live and to lead.
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