The work continues here in Myanmar! As this text is being written, singing can be heard outside Pastor Toe Toe's office of the choir rehearsing for tomorrow's Sunday service. They are singing "Amazing Grace" in Burmese. What a sweet sound! Yesterday, June 16th, was the second day of the YEE clinic. The girls, Nels and Ellen are doing a great job teaching alongside the local trainers. The girls are getting weary, mostly because of the heat. But they are persevering! Please pray for endurance for all, as the day was very long. The students here are very diligent to their studies. We have heard that after they finish their day here, they go home a practice with their brothers and sisters with the presentation well into the night. Thank you all for your diligence in prayer for the team! We are very blessed to be here with the Saints at U Naw Church.