As the Psalmist begins his ascent from spiritual defeat to victory we see his first step in Psalm 120. He realizes and acknowledges the truth of his spiritual condition. Unless you are willing to be honest with the Lord about your condition, then do not expect for things to change! The Lord demands honesty. The psalmist humbles himself and cries out to the Lord saying: 1. I cannot handle the deceitful tongue and the lying lips. (v.2)
2. Woe is me. In other words, I am needy. I am not being blessed like I need in my life. (v.6)
3. I am dwelling with the wicked who do not want peace as I do. (v.6-7)
4. I need you to deliver me. (v.2)
The psalmist understood the situation he was in; the wicked people around him; his inability to change things; where to find help; and he was willing to honestly admit this to the Lord. He has now begun his journey to higher ground spiritually speaking.
How about you? Are you willing to be honest with yourself and the Lord? Are you willing to turn to God, quit playing games, admit you inability to help yourself or to get it done spiritually, and ask Him for help? If so you have started down the path to spiritual victory.
God bless you until next time.