“The poor is hated even of his own neighbor: but the rich hath many friends.” Proverbs 14:20
Oh, to be freed from shallow thinking. To see life as God sees it should be our chief aim. To see life as God sees it requires a healthy dose of grace. The tendency to associate with those whom we consider to be favored while avoiding those we consider lesser exposes the desperate need for grace. God despises this spirit because it is in direct opposition to His own nature and to the central tenet of His salvation. God Himself is no respecter of persons. His concern is not with what appears on the outside. His whole scheme of salvation is based entirely on grace, not on some skewed valuation of worth. Sovereign election reduces all men to the same level. When we honor those we deem honorable while ignoring those we deem unworthy, we trample upon the concept of grace while championing works. And so, once again, we stand in need of grace. Grace to avoid the lie of equating riches or culture or intellectual capability with honor. Grace to love and honor those the world deems unlovely, difficult, or lacking in culture. Grace to value what God values – the heart. This passage exposes our guilt. No one is unaffected by this shallow thinking. The good news is that God is full of grace for those who repent from ungodly thoughts and behavior.