Despite his high claim to accuracy (the inside cover of Dan Brown's novel features the line - “FACT: ... All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate”), it is unnerving to note how far short of this standard Brown falls.
Take two examples in his claims for the Dead Sea Scrolls:
1. The Dead Sea Scrolls contained apocryphal gospels about Jesus and some of the “earliest Christian records” (pp.234 & 245).
In reality, the Dead Sea Scrolls are Jewish (not Christian) and include no gospels about Jesus at all!
2. Dead Sea Scrolls date to 1950s: actually they were discovered in 1947.
His book is littered with such glaring errors. If he is able to get these uncontested facts so wrong, why pay any credence to his larger, more ridiculous and blasphemous assertions?!