Through preaching the gospel to them He makes known,
The riches of glory and grace by His cross:
Eternal possessions which cannot be lost.
Praise be to the Father who chose us in grace.
Praise be to the Son who has died in our place.
Praise be to the Spirit who gave us new birth.
Praise be to the One God of heaven and earth.
With all of our hearts does the Lord bid us sing
Come humbly before Him , thanksgiving to bring.
All others are idols, He lives, God alone
By grace He has saved us and made us His own.
Today’s Speaker: Brother Robert Margeson will conduct the 11:00 am service today. Pray for him as he delivers God’s word.
Television Broadcast: Our Reign of Grace Television program is being broadcast on WFXL Fox 31, Channel 4. The program will air every Sunday morning at 11 AM.
Radio Broadcast: Sunday morning at 10:30 am on Mix 107.7 FM
Web Sites: Visit our web sites at: Reign of Grace:
If the Righteousness of Christ doth come upon all the Elect unto Justification, in the same manner as Adams sin came upon all men to condemnation, as the Apostle shows it doth, Rom.5; then it must follow, that the Righteousness of Christ was reckoned or imputed to the Elect, before they had a Being, and then much more before they do believe in Him; for it is evident that Adams sin came upon all men to condemnation, before they had a Being; for by that first transgression {says the Apostle, vers.12,} sin entered into the world; and more plainly, “death passed upon all men;” the Reason follows, because in him, or in his loins, all have sinned. Now as in Adam, the non-elect; that is, all that shall perish, were constituted sinners, before they had a Being, by reason of the imputation of his disobedience to them; so in Christ the elect; that is, all that shall be saved, were constituted righteous; his obedience being imputed unto them by God, before they had any Being, otherwise than in him as their Head and common Person. - Now the Apostle hath observed, That God in justifying, and imputing Righteousness, calleth things that are not, as if they were, {Rom.4:17,} as the Righteousness of Christ was actually imputed to the Patriarchs before it was wrought; and our sins were actually imputed to Christ before they were committed; so I see no inconvenience in saying, that Christ’s Righteousness is by God imputed to the Elect, before they have a Being.
--- William Eyre {Justification without Conditions – 1654}
“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7). The Scriptural cure for anxious care and worry for a child of God is a continual and constant realization of true peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. The natural man knows nothing of THIS peace, and that is why it is too much for him to grasp. This peace is founded upon the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and the righteousness He accomplished on Calvary to enable God to be both a just God and a Savior to His people (Col. 1:19-23). Christ is the One Who made and sustains this peace between God and His people, sinners saved by grace. This peace is known and realized as God the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and drives us continually to Christ Who is our peace as we are brought unto God for all salvation, comfort, and assurance “by the blood of Christ” (Eph. 2:13-14). There are many, many things in the world that give us cause for worry, but these things can only be overcome as we fix our minds and hearts upon Christ, “The Prince of Peace” (Isa. 9:6).
--- Pastor Bill Parker
Christ - the Only Way
Thou who hast chosen any other Savior, any other Deliverer, any other help but Jesus Christ, where wilt thou appear when the Lord shall come to judgment? Then all thy saviors will forsake thee, and not one stand by thee. When thou hast said of thy forms, and fellowships, and thy ordinances {as thou callest them} these be thy gods that will save thee, {Ex.32:4,} these shall give thee rest and peace; and though with your tongues you do not say thus, yet this is the very end of thy cleaving to them, to be rest for thy spirit here, and to save thee from the wrath to come. What is all this, but to rob Christ of his Glory, and to set the crown upon thy own inventions? And it is true we in words say Christ is all in all, yet in practice we must bring in something of man, he must act and he must do something, else he cannot expect that Christ should do his part; how then is Christ all in all? How is he the author and finisher of faith? {Heb.12:2} These are therefore those which Christ and the Prophet speaks of, that have eyes and see not, and ears and hear not, and hearts which cannot understand. - For there is but One Deliverer, so there is but one way of deliverance; though there may be in the world thousands of inventions of men, some worshiping this way, and some that, some after one form, and some after another; yet this is certain, there is but one Deliverer, and one way of Deliverance. As the Apostle saith, there is a unity in the spirit, which is the bond of peace; for “there is one body, and one Spirit,” one Lord; that is, One Deliverer, “one faith, one baptism,” that is, one way of deliverance; “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” {Eph.4:4-6} One Savior, and One way of salvation; and there is no more, and this way is Christ alone!
--- John Webster {Judgment Set, and the Books Opened, 1654}