Bible Quiz The answers are at the end of the blog. Have fun!! According To the Bible, are these statements true or false?
1. Although the Bible specifically mentions that Joseph was a carpenter, it never actually refers to Jesus as a carpenter; rather such an occupation is inferred since naturally He would be helping His father in Joseph’s chosen profession.
2. Joseph is not mentioned after the account of Jesus’ birth. It may be assumed that he either fell away from the faith and/or deserted Mary or died.
Dear Prayer Warriors,
The following passage in Malachi really stood out to me during my daily quiet times this past week: "'But when you present the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you present the lame and sick, is it not evil? Why not offer it to your governor? Would he be pleased with you? Or would he receive you kindly?' says the LORD of hosts” (Malachi 1:8). While meditating on this verse, I was struck by the fact that with this verse, God raises the bar on items sent with missionaries to the mission field.
In the past, when people asked me about used items to send to the mission field – either Bibles, clothing, or gifts - I always used this standard: “Don't consider what you would sell in a garage sale, but rather ask yourself if you had a favorite niece or nephew in college, would you give this item to them or buy a new one to give instead? The answer to that question is the standard you use in donating used items for the mission field.” But now God raises the bar. Rather than using the analogy of a favored niece or nephew, God exhorts us to ask ourselves, “If I had an audience with the Governor of my state, would I give this item to him as a gift or buy a new one?”
John Crawford and Garage Sales John Crawford, a former missionary to New Zealand who is now with the Lord, had a great influence on me. He would often say, “John, believe God for enough for everybody.” One of his applications was that he and his wife Helen never held garage sales (or as they are known in the United Kingdom – “boot sales”). Rather, they would give the items to young married couples, university students, or international students in their ministry. We followed this same pattern. If no one was interested in taking particular items, then we would sell the items and use the money to buy Bibles and Bible study aids for our mission trips. Rather than giving the old, we would sell the old and use the money to buy new materials.
Problems and Solutions One of the problems that we seek to solve is that of pastors and ministers in Africa depending on used Bibles from some church’s "Lost and Found" box or a Sunday school member’s cast-off Bible that was taken to the mission field and given away. How often I have been embarrassed to see pastors using Precious Moments Bibles, Confirmation Bibles, used Bibles with a dedication to some teen with a high school graduation message, or even used Bibles engraved with another individual's name complete with his or her underliningss and notes. At Grace Community International, we bring pastors and ministers quality, new leather study Bibles. May it never be said that we brought to Africa for the use of a pastor what even an American child, teen, or church member would no longer deign to use!
The Bible on the Shelf Now don’t get me wrong. Some people have very good, quality Bibles or Bible reference works on their shelves which a pastor, Bible student, or minister would be happy to possess in his library. In this age of computers and e-readers, many of the reference works on peoples' shelves remain unused in like-new condition. Because these individuals access this information from their electronic device(s) rather than reaching for the concordance, the Bible dictionary, or Greek reference work, these reference materials are relatively untouched. Consequently, such volumes, though not new, would be a welcome addition to many a pastor’s personal or church library, and we rejoice in taking such resources with us when donated.
Examine your own bookshelf. When was the last time you got down many of your reference works? Perhaps God will lay it on your heart to send them to Africa. My sister has a rule of thumb with her closet. She turns all the hangers one direction on January first. As she wears her clothes, she puts them back in the closet facing the other direction. On December 31st, she gives away all clothes still facing the original direction. As a challenge to you this year, turn all of your reference works upside down. When you use one, replace it right-side up. At the end of the year, box up those works you have not used, and we or some other missionary would be happy to place them in the hands of an African Bible student, pastor, or teacher who will get plenty of use out of those items.
A Bible's Journey to the Mission Field Keep in mind, though, what it takes to get a Bible to the mission field. For Eleanor and me, excess baggage runs about $150 to $200 a box. To give a missionary a box of worn-out, used books that he then has to pay two hundred dollars to get to the mission field is a dubious gift. For this reason, I appreciate supporters like Mark and Rowena, Sheldon, and John and Viki so much. Whenever these individuals pack a box to send on a mission trip, the box always comes along with a check to pay its way to the field.
Feeling Good vs. Actually Doing Good I remember a missionary once telling me of a box he received in the mail from a church. He spent the better part of an entire day getting it through customs at the Post Office – filling out forms, paying duties, and going from office to office having papers stamped. At the end of the day (and over a hundred dollars out of his pocket later), he received the packet of pencils, stickers and little note cards written by children and their parents. Now I know what was going on here. In American culture, just giving money seems cold. Few people will give a close adult friend or relative a check for a birthday or Christmas gift. The fact is, though, that such a gift was never about the missionary; it was about the group “feeling connected” in a personal way. I would encourage your AWANA group, Sunday school class, or family to do a little research before sending a box to your missionary or giving your missionary a box to take back.
I contrast this experience with Daisy and DeVere’s ministry. This retired couple pokes and prods their Sunday school class all year long to give to the “missionary fund.” Then come November, they transfer the collected money into the ministry accounts of the various missionaries that their class supports so that the funds will be available for the missionaries' Christmas checks. I am confident that every Christmas these missionaries praise God because they have a little extra to spend on the family Christmas.
A Balancing Act It is true, though, that in some cases, money will not do the job because what money can buy in the United States is simply not for sale on the mission field in which some individuals serve. There may be no Christian publishing houses, no office supply stores, or no children’s toy stores in the city in which they serve. In cases such as these, make sure that the items you send are quality goods. Find out what it will cost the missionary to receive the packages, and get this money into their account. Most missionaries use a US bank so putting this money directly into their bank account gives them immediate personal access to the funds without either the one month delay of their sending agencies processing it or the 15 to 20 percent administrative fee deduction that their agency assesses. (As a side note, GCI makes no administrative charge deductions to gifts given to field staff or to missionaries and ministries serving overseas.)
Having shared these thoughts, please allow me to place before you again the verse that started all of these words of exhortation. Take a moment and meditate upon these truths, and see if God will speak to your heart, as He has mine, concerning gifts and the support of your church’s (or your personal) missionaries. "'But when you present the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And when you present the lame and sick, is it not evil? Why not offer it to your governor? Would he be pleased with you? Or would he receive you kindly?' says the LORD of hosts” (Malachi 1:8).
1. False – In reality, the Bible clearly mentions that both Jesus (Mark 6:3) and His father Joseph (Matthew 13:55) were “carpenters.” (The word “carpenter” here is from the Greek word TEKTON, meaning a skilled craftsman who works in wood.)
2. False - Reflect again on how unfair Bible teachers and historians are to Joseph. It is Joseph who is called “righteous;” it is Joseph who consistently receives commands from God and follows them without question. And it is to Joseph that the Lord commits the protection of the Messiah. Later in the life of Jesus, Joseph is still known by others and associated as the head of the family comprised of Mary, Jesus, and various brothers. At no point in the Scriptures are the enemies of Jesus ever able to call upon the fact that Joseph has abandoned the faith, opposed his son, or been unfaithful to Mary. Mary likewise is never in Scriptures called a widow, nor is she later in life enrolled as a widow in any church. Yet Joseph is consistently relegated to a secondary role in terms of the parenting of Jesus, and his character is repeatedly slandered by needless speculations on the part of Bible teachers and historians. Consider the following verses on Joseph's life and character: Matthew 1:19 & 24-25; 2:14 & 19-23; John 1:45; 6:42.