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Don Bell | Crossville, Tennessee
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Lantana Grace Church
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Lantana Grace Church Bulletin
SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 2013
Posted by: Lantana Grace Church | more..
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Our Annual Bible Conference is June 21-23rd. The Speakers will be Bruce Crabtree, Todd Nibert, Rupert Rivenbark and David Eddmenson.

Cure for Heart Trouble

The waters of trouble run deep; distress on ev’ry hand.

My heart is faint with certain fears I cannot understand.

My disease is incurable: full of vile sin I am.

My only hope of cure today is Christ, the precious Lamb.

Christ is the cure for heart trouble for those who believe Him.
In Him they are ordained to life. He knows the names of them.
He welcomes them into His house. He is their Lord, their God
He knows the trouble they are in. He made peace through His blood.

“O, let not your heart be troubled,” my Savior says to me.
He has prepared for me a place by dying on that tree.
My Redeemer paid my sin debt. He’s the Way, Truth, and Life.
He has prepared a home for me where will be no more strife.

Fear thou not in the storms of life. He is thy Redeemer.
His perfect peace is given those whom He loves forever.
When I pass through those troublous times, the Lord will be with me.
He cured my sin and calms my fears. My heart in Him is free.

By Gary Spreacker

(Tune: My Faith Has Found a Resting Place #228)


Why do I continue to preach to you Christ alone? Why do I continue to preach to you, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved?”

I preach Christ alone, because salvation is so important. If it were not a matter of the life and death of your soul, and that of your children, I could come before you this morning and give you my theories. But I must tell you the truth. We are by nature, lost, without Christ, separated from God, without hope, without life, without God in this world. We are condemned members of a condemned race, and soon our life on this earth will be over, our body will return to the earth, we will be stripped of all this covering,
and our immortal soul will stand naked before God in judgment. God will demand two things of us in that day: Complete satisfaction for all our sin, and a perfect righteousness. They are only found in Christ alone. If I die without Christ, I die without hope. But if I have Christ, I have eternal life.

I preach Christ alone because salvation is not something we can get by something we do. Those who come to God come through the merits and righteousness of Christ. We come when we see that He is the only way to God. Good works, religious reformation, baptism, prayer, tears, vows and resolutions will never bring salvation. If you are trying to do something in order to find favor with God, quit it! Trust in Christ alone. Only in Christ
is salvation, and He is the way, the truth, and the life of salvation. The good news is rest, cease from your labors. There is no salvation in any other place. But there is salvation in Christ. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." We have no other hope but Christ who is our only hope.

- Pastor Milton Howard


A lady in a church I previously Pastored expressed to a co-worker her appreciation for divine predestination. That gentleman, although a professing Christian, denied that doctrine, and bet her a sum of money she could not find it in the Bible. She had listened to me preach on that doctrine, and rejoiced in it, and therefore immediately showed it to him in God’s Word. (She did not accept the money he bet against divine predestination.) It is not surprising that even professing Christians are unaware of the doctrine of divine predestination. Many preachers deny divine predestination is in God’s Word. Many preachers, while admitting divine predestination is in God’s Word, do not preach it because they do not understand or believe it. Many preachers deny the Biblical doctrine of divine predestination because they know it is contrary to their own doctrine of man’s “freewill”. Many preachers deliberately misrepresent divine predestination as heathenish fatalism and determinism. But faithful Christians praise God for divine predestination. We praise the Father for predestining us to be His children, and therefore choosing us unto salvation in Christ before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:3-7). We praise God for predestining our eternal inheritance in Christ (Ephesians 1:11). We praise God for predestining us to be conformed to Christ, whom we desire to be like (Romans 8:29). We praise God that through His predestination “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28-31). We praise God for predestining every event (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15). For example, Jesus Christ was born at the predestined moment for the predestined purpose which He fulfilled as predestined (Galatians 4:4f). We praise God for predestining even the wickedness of evil men to redound to His glory and our salvation (Acts 4:27-28). As God predestined, wicked men shed the blood that redeemed, saved, justified, and sanctified us as God predestined. We praise God for predestining that His wisdom be revealed to us, for otherwise we would be ignorant of Him (1 Corinthians 2:7ff). And we praise God that we believe His gospel and trust in Christ because He predestined us to do so (Acts 13:44-48). Do you?

– Pastor Daniel E. Parks

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