"The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them." Proverbs 12:6
Words are powerful. They are a window to the heart. They are a reflection of the presence of God within or the lack of His presence. Again, words are powerful. They have the power to kill, and they have the power to deliver. Brother Louis has been quoting John Newton’s commitment: “I will not complain about this when I get to heaven, and I suppose I shall not do so now.” Think about the power of these words. These words delivered those around Newton from discouragement and bitterness. They delivered Newton himself from a wrong view of God and His provisions for him. The words of complaint were replaced with words of praise and edification. Once again, we are confronted with our need for grace. It is impossible to speak delivering words consistently without God’s help, without a heavenly perspective. So, let’s ask the same question we closed with yesterday: “Have you sought God for grace to govern your words today?”