May 26, 2013
Church Website:
Happy Birthday 27th - Cadin Graham
28th - Dortha Grisham 30th - Reba Smith
Our annual Bible Conference is June 21-23. Speakers will be Todd Nibert, Rupert Rivenbark, David Eddmenson, and Bruce Crabtree. May our Covenant God and Our Blessed Lord Jesus give us a meeting that will bring glory too himself, comfort to his people and salvation to sinners.
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"The righteous are said to be scarcely saved, not with respect to the certainty of the event, for the purpose of God in their favor cannot be disappointed, but in respect to their own apprehensions, and the great difficulties they are brought through. But when after a long experience of their own deceitful hearts, after repeated proofs of their own weakness, willfulness, ingratitude, and insensibility, they find that none of these things can separate them from the love of God in Christ, Jesus becomes more and more precious to their souls. They love much because much has been forgiven them. They dare not, they will not ascribe anything to themselves, but are glad to acknowledge, that they must have perished (if possible) a thousand times over, if Jesus had not been their Saviour, their Shepherd, and their Shield. When they were wandering He brought them back, when fallen He raised them, when wounded He healed them, when fainting He revived them. By HIM, out of weakness they have been made strong: He has taught their hands to war, and covered their heads in the day of battle. In a word, some of the clearest proofs they have had of His excellence, have been occasioned by the mortifying proofs they have had of their own vileness. They would not have known so much of HIM, if they had not known so much of THEMSELVES.
- John Newton
"By His stripes ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24). We must not think that by self-loathing, self-deprivation or self-humiliation we will be healed of the disease of sin. The healing of the soul is in the humiliation of Christ, not in ours; in His agonies, not ours; in His death, not ours. To rely on or trust in anything other than the crucified Redeemer is to set up a rival to Christ. Do not beat up on self, thinking that God will be more pleased with you. God is only pleased with His Son. Look outside of sinful self to the crucified, buried, risen and exalted Christ. Spiritual healing is by the stripes of the Savior, not the stripes of the sinner.
- Pastor Jim Byrd
I cannot be brought lower by the accusations and charges of men than I was brought to when I died in Christ; nor can I be lifted up higher by the praises of men that I am already exalted in Christ. Nothing alters my state as a justified sinner in Jesus Christ. Having eternal life in Him, I cannot be threatened with death nor can I be enticed by promise of reward since I have Him who is all. As a man in Christ why would I want to be somewhere else? What more could you give me? God in grace put me where I am!
- Gary Shepard
The nature of Christ's salvation is woefully misrepresented by the present-day evangelist. He announces a Savior from hell rather than a Savior from sin. And that is why so many are fatally deceived, for there are multitudes who wish to escape the Lake of Fire who have no desire to be delivered from their carnality and worldliness.
- Arthur W. Pink
He Gave Me His Name
There is a name above all names.
To Him ev'ry knee shall bow.
Jesus, our Lord, our Righteousness,
Is the name He shall endow.
King of Kings, the Almighty God,
Chose to give His name to me.
Gave me life and cleansed by His blood,
That of His bride I would be!
A good name is to be chosen
More than great riches on earth.
He chose to give me His good name;
His, only, the one of worth.
An Outcast, the name Forsaken,
Were the names to me applied.
God, in His love, mercy, and grace,
Gave His name unto His bride!
Though I had nothing to my name,
(Lost in sin, dead, and defiled),
God chose in me His name to praise,
In His body reconciled.
He became Man to die for me.
By His blood I am set free.
He is willing to give His name
To His chosen bride to be!
(By Gary Spreacker, Tune: Pg.15 “Holy Manna”)