If I was raising my children again, I would: 16. Teach them from an early age that it's not what they want to do with their life that matters, but what the Lord desires from them is the real issue if they want to be happy.
17. Protect them from the sports world. This addiction is extremely difficult to overcome because it seems so "normal" and harmless!
18. Pray more that the Holy Spirit would guide, direct, and better enable me to teach them truths He could use to develop personal convictions of their own! Parental convictions will not work for your child as he approaches aduthood, only their convictions will last!
19. Encourage them to be open and vocal in their worship and praise. I am convinced there has been a generation raised who have not been trained in godly worship.
20. Emphasize and encourage them to develop a personal, daily relationship with the Lord. Young folk need to learn they can have a relationship with the Lord as real as any earthly relationship they have experienced!
21. Place great emphasis on the Biblical doctrine of separation, and it's application for their life. It is very important to avoid "going in the ditch" on this issue and making Pharisees out of your children!
22. Emphasize the importance of choosing a godly mate, and pray daily for the Lord to help them in this area.
23. See they read a chapter per day from the book of Proverbs.
24. Finally, I would strive to be more consistent in dealing with my children.
In the last three blogs I have given very little Bible for the things I have said, although I am sure I could at least give a Bible principle for most of my points! What I was trying to do was to give you some thoughts from a parent who has raised three children, and looks back with some regrets! Many of the things I have mentioned, I attempted, but not with true godly diligence, of which I regret. My hope is that some of you might be helped with your children.
Untilo next time, may God bless.