If I were raising my children again: 6. I would have zero tolerance for disobedience, rebellion, and rudeness. These are three areas that I as a parent would address immediately. I would work hard to keep these ungodly seeds from germinating in their heart. In addition, making fun of others would be forbidden, even behind the closed doors of the home. Respect, kindness, and politeness would be a must even when interacting with their siblings.
7. Christianity is a “giving” versus “taking” religion, therefore I would seek to instill to a greater degree in the hearts of my children a spirit of serving and giving of one’s life to others rather than the all too common philosophy among the saints of “my four and no more”. I would make the "unprofitable servant" a role model for their life.
8. I would encourage humility as pride is one of young people’s greatest obstacles to overcome.
9. I would emphasize the shamefulness of mediocrity in the Lord’s work, and that anything less than your best effort in Christian service should be a personal embarrassment.
10. I would strive to teach them the factors necessary for making godly decisions , and then once you have made your best choice to “go on” without looking back or second guessing yourself.
11. I would attempt to instill a love for reading in their heart. Reading is so important in the Christian life. One fellow said it well “readers are leaders”.
12. I would seek to develop a love for godly music in their life because of the opportunities it could provide for them to serve the Lord.
13. I would compliment and encourage my children daily if I could do it honestly. Encouragement and positive reinforcement is essential for the emotional well-being of young people.
14. I would try to be more sensitive to the individual personalities of each of my children.
15. I would emphasize “Missions” in every possible way in their life. If possible, I would make a missions trip a regular event in their life.
Well enough for now, more next time, and until then may God bless.