Jesus’ Gracious Invitation During one of the Jewish feasts Jesus had been teaching publicly but at the end of the feast He stood and cried out, probably in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty let Him come to Me and drink.” [John 7:37, NIV] He, of course, was using a figure of speech. The kind of thirst He spoke about was not for water from a physical well but the longing for refreshment. It could have been a desire for a particular trouble to end. Perhaps it would be a frustration with evil in the world. It could be a personal need or a desire for the community. This was not the only time Jesus made such a claim. He knew He had been sent into the world, the Son of God, to endure our suffering so that He could overcome it for us. We still suffer while we live in this sinful world, but Jesus graciously invites us to come to Him for refreshment. None of us is able to gain that refreshment on our own. But He in His power and glory has overcome every kind of trial that we can face. We hope you are thirsty today—thirsty enough to be driven to Jesus for refreshment. He gives the refreshment of unfailing living water. If you have not yet come to Him we urge you to do so and invite you to speak with Pastor Martin or another Christian about having your deepest longings met by Jesus Christ.