“Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” Proverbs 11:21
This passage is both a warning and a comfort for the righteous. Are you often frustrated by your lack of power to stem the tide of wickedness? Do you feel like you are outnumbered? If so, your perception is not reality. “Though hand in hand…” This phrase has two different, yet similar, ideas. The first image is of an unholy alliance. Two unholy efforts are strengthened by aligning together. Struggling to find any publicity is the current court case involving the horrific deeds of an abortion doctor in Philadelphia. The mainstream media seems blind to the story. It is as if one unholy hand (the abortion industry) and another (the mainstream media) are united to squelch this story. The power to drive the nation’s thinking regarding abortion seems to be the result of such unholy alliances. The other thought is that of unholy approval. Hand joins to hand in affirmation of sinful deeds. People are more comfortable with sinful behavior if they can get the approval of others. Yet, God says that human power and human approval are really meaningless. Since God reigns supreme, the wicked will ultimately be punished, and the righteous will ultimately be delivered. The challenge then for us is to live by faith. Do you believe God’s word, or is it easier to seek human power and favor?