“He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.” Proverbs 11:15
This passage is a practical warning against the danger of offering one’s self as a guarantee for someone else. But before we examine this passage, it is striking and humbling to consider that God offered Jesus Christ as the very thing He warns against in practical life. Christ offered Himself as the guarantee of the elect, fully aware that it was impossible that anyone would hold up their end of the bargain and live up to their responsibility before God. At times, the reality of salvation may seem dull and uninspiring to our hardened minds. But dwell on this glorious truth today. Christ Jesus is the Surety for His people. He personally guaranteed the payment of all our debt. No sensible person would every knowingly enter an arrangement so sure to be so costly. What wondrous love is this…