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Don Bell | Crossville, Tennessee
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Lantana Grace Church
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Lantana Grace Chruch
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January 6, 2013

Church Website: Happy Birthday! 6th - Mary Bell

God of Mercy

Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

Righteous and Holy, Sov'reign in His might.

Man is unrighteous, lost in sin's dark night.

No way to help himself, this is his plight.

God in His grace for His own does provide

Mercy for all those He calls to His side.

Mercy and truth are met in Jesus Christ,

Keeping His mercy for His blood-bought bride.

Now do I cry, "Have mercy on me, Lord.

I am a sinner; myself I deplore."

In Jesus Christ I find my only cure,

In Him bound to the Lord with Love's strong cord.

By Gary Spreacker (Tune: ‘Abide with Me‘ Pg.75)

"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, HE also HIMSELF likewise took part of the same; that through death HE might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who thought fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Heb. 2:14-15). Christ assumed human flesh in order to meet the greatest need of His people - redemption and salvation from sin, death, and hell.

- If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator.

-If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist.
-If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist.
-If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer.
-But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.

A Look Back

It has been my custom for several years to take a LOOK BACK as the year draws to a close. The year just passing, as every year leaves us with a sense of thanksgiving and joy, but also a sense of melancholy. As far as God and His purpose is concerned we have had a very good year. I can say that because “And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose”. (Rom 8:28).

God does all things well, he has never failed us, Christ our Lord continues to love us and keep us by his intercession for us. We may not have been as faithful as we should have been, our hearts no doubt many times were very cold and lifeless toward the things of God, towards the gospel, even as Christ has been preached how many times we were untouched and unmoved. But thank God he refuses to let those whom he loves, those for whom Christ died to remain in such sad condition. He quickens us and in that quickening he makes us mourn over not loving him and honoring him as worthily as he should be. Though we are more often than not unfaithful, he is never unfaithful, though we fail him, he never fails us, he is often times not in our thoughts, but we are ever in his mind and heart.

We cannot see into the future, we cannot know what a day will bring forth. It may bring life or it may bring death, it may bring news that will either break our hearts or cause them to rejoice. But I do know this; I know who holds the day, no matter what it brings forth. I know who holds our very souls in his hand. (Job 12:10 Dan.5: 23).

As we LOOK forward to the New Year I also know this, that I want to continue to worship God in spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in my flesh. I want to be faithful to My God, to Christ Jesus My Lord, to the gospel of free and sovereign grace in Christ, and I want to be faithful to you, faithful to love you, forgive you, encourage you, pray for you, and continually preach in such a way as to never let you or me find any hope for salvation or righteousness except only in the righteousness of Christ imputed.

Oh, God give us your grace to know you, to know your Son Jesus Christ in such a way that we find Him To Be our ALL in ALL.

- Pastor


Paul wrote in Heb. 10:25, "Let us not forsake the assembling of
ourselves together." It is the duty of all believers to meet together for worship, praise, study, and fellowship.

(1) BECAUSE OF GOD, Who has appointed worship, Who approves of it, Who is glorified in it, and Who should be worshipped.

(2) BECAUSE OF OURSELVES. We need to "draw nigh to God," to "seek His face," to praise, pray, and be refreshed and comforted - with other believers.

(3) BECAUSE OF OTHERS - our families, friends, and neighbors who may, by our example and encouragement, be brought to seek the Lord.

But worship is not only a duty and commandment; worship is a BLESSED PRIVILEGE. David wrote, "Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell in Thy courts." We are blessed to have the DESIRE to worship God and hear His word. We are blessed to have the FREEDOM to go to the place of worship. We are blessed to have a FAMILY of BELIEVERS with whom to meet and worship. We are blessed to have ELDERS and PREACHERS called of God to preach to us and teach us the word. We are blessed to have the PHYSICAL STRENGTH to go to the house of the Lord and worship. "Blessed INDEED is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee".

- Henry Mahan

~~~ O ~~~

“The one thing that makes the believer different from the rest of the world is the grace of God to him in Christ. The difference between faith and unbelief is the grace of God. The difference between a harlot and a godly woman is the grace of God. The only difference between a liar and one who speaks the truth is the grace of God. The only reason Noah was saved and the rest of the world perished: the grace of God. ‘But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord’ (Gen. 6:8).”

- Pastor John Chapman

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