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How the Propaganda Machine of State Media and Schools Won the Election for Obama
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For a long, long time now we have had liberal ideology, socialist ideology, communist ideology, homosexual propaganda, evolution propaganda and many other lies pumped into our government schools. Has every teacher done this? No. Can one school be better than another? Certainly. But such rare exceptions do not negate the overall drift in the vast majority of schools. The universities, of course, are even worse. The media has long been an accomplice to the goal of disseminating liberal/progressive ideology. We have known this for a long time. Occasionally, someone will talk about it or complain about it, but few do anything about it.

Consequently, the vast majority of our children for decades now have been brainwashed by liberal/progressive ideology. Millions are now adults and old enough to vote. Should we be surprised that a majority are now voting for candidates like Barack Obama? When children spend seven hours a day for nine months of every year for thirteen years or more being indoctrinated by leftists, it should be no surprise that they grow up leftists and vote for fellow leftists. Many parents are amazed at how different their adult children’s belief systems are from their own. How did this happen? It happened at school. The children spent far more time at school than they did with you. They spent far more time imbibing progressive ideology from movies and TV than they did imbibing good ideology from you.

The left understands the importance of having control of your children’s education. They have a long tradition of leaders who understood this.

Consider the following quotes by Russia’s Vladimir Lenin.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” -- Lenin

“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.” -- Lenin

I’m not sure why he went from four years to eight, but he didn’t seem to think he would need thirteen. He knew that if he had control of your children’s education, he could practically guarantee their loyalty to his worldview, which was communist. He was right. Concerning the media, or press, he said this: “The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.” Of course, Stalin, his successor, understood the same thing.

Consider a few more Lenin gems, some of which do not pertain to the present subject, but are nonetheless instructive:

“A lie told often enough becomes truth.” -- Lenin

“The goal of socialism is communism.” -- Lenin

“One man with a gun can control 100 without one.” -- Lenin

“There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.” -- Lenin

“The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.” -- Lenin

Notice any similarities to our current president?

Back in the cold war, Communists were actively trying to infiltrate America at various levels. A man named Cleon Skousen, a former FBI agent, wrote a book entitled “The Naked Communist,” chronicling the agenda of Communists to infiltrate America. Here were some of their 45 goals:

#17 -- Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism. Soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers association. #20-21 -- Infiltrate the press. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and the motion picture industry. #24 -- Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press. #25 -- Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography in books, magazines, motion pictures and TV. #26 -- Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy." #27 -- Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social religion." Discredit the Bible. #28 -- Eliminate prayer in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of separation of church and state. #40 -- Discredit the family as an institution; encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

What people do not understand is that Communists didn’t suddenly disappear and give up when the Soviet Union dissolved. They didn’t suddenly give up their ideology and their attempts to spread it. They simply changed their name to Progressive. Like their Communist forefathers, they understood the need to capture the minds of children and have control over the schools. Only control over education will ensure long-term success.

When Hitler came into power, he immediately took over the schools and took control of the curriculum. He knew. He also declared Sunday to be National Youth Day. Children had to quit attending church because it was mandatory that they attend National Youth Day, where they would receive further Nazi indoctrination. If parents refused, they received a warning the first time. The second offense received a stiff fine. The third offense resulted in imprisonment.

John Dewey, one of the fathers of our modern educational system, was a socialist, humanist and atheist. He went to Russia in 1928 to study Marxist education so that he could bring it back to the US. He said that education should socialize children to be a willing tool of the state. And now our children are willing tools of the state. The NEA has passed resolutions saying they want children from birth. See Head Start. Hillary Clinton, who is a Progressive, believes it takes a Village (not just parents) to raise your child; and the reason is that she wants the state to have control over the children and what they are taught. In order to do this, parents have to be neutralized.

Bertrand Russell said that by using psychological techniques to teach the children, we will be able to produce “an unshakable conviction that snow is black.” Recent surveys and polls have demonstrated that less than 10 percent of American youth believe in an absolute right and wrong. Russell was right. Is it any wonder that so many church going children quit going to church as soon as they get to college?

Wicked people put such stock in their beliefs that they think your children, all children, should be taught those beliefs early and often. They think your children should be saturated in their ideology and that you should have no freedom to teach your children anything different. If they get their way, they will pass the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty to strip you of the right to home-school your children. In Québec recently, a judge ordered the children of a homeschooling family into public school and daycare, including the three-year-old and five-year-old, because she did not feel they were properly “socialized.” Interestingly, most people who homeschool, including myself, choose to homeschool for exactly that reason. We don’t want our children “socialized.” We know what that means.

In 2006, a Massachusetts father was arrested and spent the night in jail for trespassing on public property when he insisted that his kindergarten son be allowed to opt out of a lesson that contained sexually offensive material. In the subsequent court case, Parker versus Hurley, the Court said that parents who send their kids to public school “abandon their responsibility to the state.”

Did you hear that? According to the court, you the parent “abandon your responsibility to the state” when you send your children to public schools. Whether you think this way or not, the court does.

In 2007, the Maryland State Board of Education instituted a controversial sex ed curriculum over the objections of some parents with this statement: “It is of course the fundamental right of a parent to control the upbringing of his or her child … but that right is not absolute … it must bend to the state’s duty to educate its citizens.”

A few years ago, in liberal Washington state, there was another important court case. A boy complained that his parents took him to church too much (3 times a week). The social workers came in and did an emergency removal of the boy. After only a half day court trial, the judge said, “I think once a week is plenty enough time in church. You can have custody of your child if you agree to take him to church only once a week.” In another instance, a 13-year-old girl was grounded by her parents for smoking pot and sleeping with her boyfriend. The case made it to the Washington Supreme Court. The Court sided with the child and removed the girl from her parents’ home. In her 30s, this same girl testified before Congress that the state of Washington did her no favors. They should have sent her home and told her to obey her parents. She ended up living on the street and nearly ruined her life.

Courts, including the US Supreme Court, have frequently cited the UNCRC in their decisions, even though this treaty has not been signed and has no authority in the US. It is a growing trend.

We have sown the wind and we are reaping the whirlwind. We have given our children to Lenin. He has indoctrinated them in his ideology, sent them out into the world, and now they are out-voting us. Many, many people shake their heads about it, but few actually do anything about it. It isn’t a complex mystery why our children are turning out this way. It’s obvious. Isn’t it time to do something about it now?

For more information on the communist agenda in America, order the video "Agenda."

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