My dear mother, Charlotte Hamilton, of Groomsport, Northern Ireland went to be with Christ at five minutes till midnight on October 15th, 2012. Along with my 3 sisters I was with her when she passed away. It was a sad and touching moment for us, yet it was mixed with relief and joy since she had fought a long battle with cancer, and was now at rest. I will miss her more than words could ever say. But I look forward to seeing her again in that land that is fairer than day. In paying tribute to "Mummy" I genuinely feel that words are inadequate - there are not enough superlatives in the English language to describe Charlotte Hamilton, my mother. One thing I do know: she would not want me to eulogize her, or exalt her in any way, but to magnify the grace of God in her. With the Apostle Paul she might have said of herself in life: “By the grace of God I am what I am.” Charlotte Wilson Mills Grant was born at “The Oughley” near Saintfield, Co. Down on December 28th, 1932. She was born again of the Spirit of God in April 1956 near Carryduff, a suburb of Belfast. She had been a religious person, but that day through the Sovereign Grace of God she became a genuine Christian. At the time of her conversion she wrote out the famous lines on a slip of paper: “Why was I made to hear Thy voice and enter while there’s room, When thousands make a wretched choice and rather starve than come? ‘Twas the same grace that spread the feast that sweetly forced me in, Else I had still refused to taste and perished in my sin.” That day she was saved and started on a journey to heaven which culminated in her arrival there at 5 minutes to midnight on Monday,October 15th 2012. Mummy was a choice saint of God. She was the best example of the Proverbs 31 woman I have ever known. All of our family members “arise and call her blessed”. In paying tribute to my mother I would mention first: (1) HER SELFLESSNESS – Mummy could never be charged with selfishness! She was a giving and caring person, to a fault. “She would give you the bite going down her throat and the shirt off her back”. Mum was utterly selfless. She was always thinking of others before herself. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” was something she really believed, and she lived accordingly. Mummy would, and often did, do without herself so that others might have. She lived to make other people happy.
(2) HER SWEETNESS – Toby, her grandson, made up a special card for his Granny when she entered the Belfast Hospice containing a Bible verse and the words: “Granny, you are as sweet as honey.” He was right! “She was a lovely Christian woman” is something I have heard a lot recently. Her natural beauty was enhanced by an inner beauty – she radiated loveliness to all she met. Even in her pain and sickness Mum never lost her sweet Christian spirit. She was always thankful to all who did the least thing for her. At times when she was so unwell she still sought to greet everyone with a smile.
(3) HER SUPPLICATIONS – Mummy was a woman of prayer. Her prayer-life is a constant rebuke to me. She prayed at home, and was always present in the place of public prayer. One of my earliest memories is of her kneeling and praying by the sofa while I as a 3-year-old climbed upon her back! She often prayed for her family and loved ones, right up to the end of her life. She prayed regularly for the work of God, for ministers and missionaries, and for the souls of men and women, boys and girls. And she prayed for me. I am a gospel minister as a direct result of her prayers. from her sick-bed she related again to me the story of how I came to be named Stephen, and how she had prayed even before my birth that I would become a minister of the Word. She prayed for all of us as a family individually. And her prayers got answers! As children, before we went to school, Mummy would bring our little friends into our house and often read the Word before committing us to God in prayer. Mum always prayed for the salvation of my friends. One of those childhood friends met me years later, and told me he had recently been saved. I immediately recalled how Mum had prayed for him and his family. When her premature grandson Toby was in the valley of death, as a tiny baby, she prayed for him – and God answered prayer. When my Dad was face-to-face with death on 2 occasions she prayed for him – and God answered her prayers. When I would be feeling discouraged, and I confided in her, Mummy would often say to me: "Keep looking to the Lord", and “pray on”! In her last days of sickness and pain, she prayed with us at nights in the hospice. Those prayers I will never forget. There are folks I know who are not yet saved. Mum prayed for them that they might come to heaven also. I trust those prayers will yet be answered. My mother was a prayer-warrior. I shall miss her prayers. Yet it must be remembered that many of them are stored up in God’s vials for a coming day in which they will receive an abundant answer.
(4) HER SERVICE – What can I say of Mum’s service for God? She taught Sunday School, stood at open-air meetings, gave out tracts, and supported Christian Missions, including Christian Schools. Mummy was a servant of God. She was a soul-winner. Often she led enquiring souls to the Saviour. And even in her final days, it was her great desire to bring others to Christ. She had her store of tracts and gospel booklets in the little drawer in her night-stand at the hospice, and she spoke a word of witness to many, including nurses and visiting relatives and friends. After the initial cancer diagnosis, when Mummy realized the seriousness of her condition, she said,"If some come to know Christ through my sickness it will have been worth it." It is my firm belief that Mummy is one of those who will hear those words from God: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
(5) HER STEDFASTNESS - Down through many years, Mummy was unwavering in her stand for truth and righteousness. She was bold and fearless in her stand. Though gentle and gracious always, she was firm and unbending in her Biblical convictions. She could disagree without being disagreeable, but you always knew where she stood. And she never changed. Always humble and self-effacing, never brash or offensive, she nevertheless had a “zero-tolerance” attitude toward sinful compromise, error and false doctrine. Yet she never allowed her differences with others to become personal. Mum hadn’t a bitter bone in her body. Unlike many she could differ strongly with you, but always still speak kindly to you. And she was steadfast in her Christian faith in spite of much sadness and sorrow in her life. Often tried and tested, yet she stood firm on the Rock, Christ Jesus. In her last great battle, in the midst of great sickness and suffering, as her body endured the ravages of bowel cancer she never complained, nor spoke a word against the Lord. She fought a good fight, finished her course, and kept the faith. My mother was, and is, an inspiration to her family, and also to the wider family of God. May we seek, by God’s grace, to take up and carry that torch that she laid down on the night of her passing. We shall all miss her! I shall miss her! However, we look forward to a great day of reunion in the mansions of the blessed. The prayer of Christ in JOHN 17:24 has now been answered for Charlotte Hamilton, my loving and much-loved mother. Jesus wanted her with him, where he is. And as one lovely hymn puts it: "Where Jesus is, 'tis heaven there." When mother was breathing her last, one of my sisters said: "Goodnight Mummy - we'll meet you in the morning." What a morning that will be!
- Rev. Stephen Hamilton, Allentown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. |