We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell.
Today’s meetings 9.45am Children’s Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Bruce & Margarets .
Weekly meetings
Wednesday 9.30 to 11 Mums & Tots
3.45 to 4.45 Children’s Hour
6.45 to 8.00 KIC club for Year 5 & 6 children.
Thursday 2.00 Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker – Marilyn
7.45 Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker – Pastor
Friday 7.30 to 9.00 FOY for secondary school children
Sunday 9.45 Children’s Bible Club
10.15 Sunday Prayer Meeting
11.00 & 6.30 Sunday Services led by Pastor
Note – Thursday evening’s bible study on Psalm 73 was greatly appreciated by all who heard it. It will be available on the website, on tape from Ann or on CD from Peter or Paul.
Prayer for the church Please pray for the on going weekly activities that God may bless each.
Thanks for answered prayer for Jonathan and for baby Gracie.
Thanks for answered prayer for Peter.
Pray for Sarah and Katie as they attend for interview soon.
Pray for Philip as he seeks guidance concerning his first teaching appointment.
Pray for Mikes colleague at work.
Pray for both Elizabeth and Karen.
Pray for both Mark Tracey and Simon re. their work situations.
For the local area West Ham Thank God for regular visitors from the migrant community – please pray that some will stay. Also, please pray for zealous workers, new building plans and for the church’s outreach endeavours.
For the wider area The Grace World View - Hungary Hungarian Christians suffered greatly through decades of Communist rule. The restoration of religious freedom has led to significant growth, but workers are in short supply. Hungary is located in Eastern Europe. It borders on several countries including Austria, Slovakia, and Serbia. The terrain is mostly flat or gently rolling plains. Just over 10 million people live in Hungary. Native Hungarians make up 90% of the population. The decades under Communist rule ravaged the economy. Since the introduction of a free market economy, Hungary has fared much better and gained membership to the European Union in 2004. Hungary was once at the heart of the powerful Austro-Hungarian Empire. The empire ended with World War I. At the end of World War II, Hungary fell under the control of the Soviet Union and established a communist government. Despite fierce repression, the Hungarian people resisted communist rule over the years and led the way to the end of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet block of nations in the early 1990s. In centuries past, Hungary was strongly Protestant. However, the Roman Catholic Church regained prominence and accounts for 60% of the population today. The years under Communist rule were difficult for Christians. Many suffered persecution and intimidation at the hands of the government. Many leaders compromised and churches were routinely infiltrated. Churches and Christian leaders are still struggling to regain trust from the people. Religious freedom was restored in 1990. The restoration of religious freedom spurred a fresh interest among the people, and many came to Christ. Today, nearly 3% of the population is evangelical with strong growth. People continue to show interest and opportunities for ministry abound. Hungary is experiencing a severe lack of Christian workers. Many churches are without a pastor. Pray for the provision of more men called to pastor these churches. Pray for the Bible schools in Hungary as they seek to prepare the Christian leaders of the future. Pray for the provision of more Bibles and Christian literature. The demand is far greater than the supply.
Thought for the week: “Make me understand the way of Your precepts; So shall I meditate on Your wonderful works.” Psalm 119:27
General Announcements Cleaning Rota (this week) – Janet & Marjorie
Door Rota (next Sun) - Peter
Christianity - an introductory course - If you are interested please see Pastor, Paul or Janet.
South East District Committee mtg Tuesday 7.30p.m. Erith. Lee’s appointment as South East District Youth co-ordinator will be considered.
Da Vinci Code Brian Edwards is booked to speak at Pantiles Baptist Church, Tunbridge Wells on ‘Da Vinci – a broken code’ on 29th March at 7.30pm. For more details contact the pastor, David Levell, on 01892 534166. A poster, that can be sent by email, is available either from David Levell or from me. Brian Edwards book ‘Da Vinci – a broken code’, published by Day One, may well prove a useful tool when the film about the Da Vinci code is released in a few weeks time. A number of useful tracts have also been produced. Please pray.
Contact details
The church website can be viewed on: www.free-grace.org.uk
To add contributions please contact Peter or Ralph at: news@free-grace.org.uk