"Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted His people, and will have mercy upon His afflicted." (Isaiah 49:13)
1. Hallelujah praise the Savior, For His free and sovereign grace; He determined in His purpose, Mercy for a chosen race. Bless the Name of our great Savior, For redemption’s work is done; Finished as the Lord demanded, Wrought by Jesus Christ the Son.
2. Hallelujah praise the Savior, On Him all our sins were laid; Christ the Lamb for us was stricken, He our ransom fully paid. See the Sacrifice for sinners, In our stead He bled and died; All for whom the Savior suffered, Are redeemed and justified.
3. Hallelujah praise the Savior, Jesus lives and reigns above; He’s the Rock of our salvation, Full of pity, grace and love. Grant, O Lord, Thy great compassion, Thou must save and Thou alone; Now as sinners we beseech Thee, Show us mercy from Thy throne.
Mercy more overflows in God than sin in us. His mercy can drown great sins as the sea covers great rocks! Christ’s blood is “a fountain for sin and uncleanness” (Zechariah 13:1). Some of the Jews who had their hands steeped in Christ’s blood were saved by that blood! God loves to magnify His mercy and display the trophies of free grace! –Thomas Watson
NO OTHER SAVIOR There is no other SAVIOR but CHRIST to look to, no other MEDIATOR between God and men to make use of, no other PHYSICIAN of value for diseased and sin-sick souls to apply unto, no other FOUNTAIN but His blood for polluted souls to wash in and be cleansed, no other CITY OF REFUGE or stronghold for souls sensible of danger to flee unto and be safe, no other to come to as the BREAD OF LIFE where hungry souls may be fed, no other PLACE OF REST for those that are weary and heavy laden, nor is there any other where there is plenty of all grace and security from every enemy, as in HIM; and therefore, to Whom can they recourse, but unto HIM? –John Gill
"O LORD, REVIVE THY WORK" "O LORD, revive Thy work in the midst of the years" (Habakkuk 3:2). The church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the "workmanship" of the sovereign God (Ephesians 2:10). She did not make herself to be His people, and she does not maintain herself as the children of God. We are the sheep of His pasture, the offspring of the Lord, the chosen remnant set apart from old eternity in everlasting grace. We are the redeemed of the Lord Jesus Christ; we are those who stand before God without spot and without blemish for our sins were imputed to Christ, and His righteousness has been imputed to us. We have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and brought to repent of our idols and dead works and led to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Being the masterpiece creation of God, we, therefore, humbly request of Him, "revive Thy work." We do not seek to bring about revival by man-made efforts, rather we request, "O LORD, revive Thy work." Now, to be sure, there is much within the assembly of believers and much within each individual child of God which is not the work of God. We do not ask Him to revive that which is not His work; we ask Him to destroy that which is not His work. "O Lord, remove from us anything that is not of Thyself." But, as one old writer said, "wherever there is anything that is properly called God’s work, and any of the mind of Christ, any sincere prayer, any faith, any hope, any love, any consecration, we earnestly cry, ‘O LORD, revive Thy work.’" We may be assured that if we are the Lord’s work, then nothing can destroy that which He has created; and He will, in His time, by His Word and Spirit, revive His work. What is the purpose of this reviving? Why do we beseech Him to spiritually refresh us? In Psalm 85:6, the Psalmist says, "Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?" The reviving, then, is that we may rejoice in and give glory to the Lord more fully. It is a time of revival when the Lord causes us to glory in the wonderful person, the sin-cleansing blood and the justifying righteousness of Christ Jesus our Lord. Such views of Him will revive the work of God, fill our hearts with gladness and lead us to delight ourselves in the Lord. –Pastor Jim Byrd