"It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23) *** PRAISE THE CHRIST OF THE CROSS Tune to "NEAR THE CROSS" WITH REFRAIN Words by JIM BYRD
1. I was hopeless, dead in sin, Fallen from God’s favor; With no righteousness to claim, Lost without a Savior.
REFRAIN: Praise the Christ of the cross, I am His forever; He has saved me by His grace, From Him none can sever.
2. "It is finished," words of grace, Hear the Savior crying; When He hung upon the cross, Christ for sinners dying. REFRAIN
3. When the time of love arrived, God sent forth His power; Now I rest in Christ alone, Since that quick’ning hour. REFRAIN
4. What a Savior is the Lord, All on Him relying; Jesus is my all in all, Every need supplying. REFRAIN
5. Praise the Lord our Righteousness, Precious Lord and Savior; He has saved me from my sin, Brought me to God’s favor. REFRAIN *** CONGREGATIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: PSALM 118:22-29 EVENING: LUKE 12:20-37 Daily Readings: August 12-18 Sunday - Isaiah 64-66 Monday - Jeremiah 1-3 Tuesday - Jeremiah 4-6 Wednesday- Jeremiah 7-10 Thursday - Jeremiah 11-14 Friday - Jeremiah 15-18 Saturday - Jeremiah 19-22 *** "JESUS’ BLOOD AND RIGHTEOUSNESS" By all means give thanks for the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in us whereby we were brought to repent of our dead works and idolatry and flee to Christ for everlasting salvation, but remember that God accepted and justified us upon the basis of what Christ has done for us. Our perfect standing before God and our assurance of salvation is not to be found in His work within, though that work is necessary. Our confidence and assurance of salvation is in our Savior and His accomplished work of redemption for us. My hope (confident expectation of future glory) is not built upon feelings, works nor even faith, each being too thin a thread upon which to hang my soul’s everlasting salvation. My confidence is in Christ and the work He has finished. Like the hymn writer, I say, "My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ Name." –Pastor Jim Byrd
*** I will give you this as a most certain observation, that there never was anything of false doctrine brought into the church, or anything of false worship imposed upon the church, but either it was by neglecting the Scripture, or by introducing something above the Scripture. –copied ***
CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY" "And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh..." 1 Timothy 3:16). The eternal Son of God came down to the earth and took human nature into union with Himself. The angel declared that He came to "save His people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). He Who lived a life of perfection was arrested by the Roman soldiers, taken before man’s religious and civil tribunals, found guilty on trumped-up charges and sentenced to be crucified. Though innocent of all the crimes of which men accused Him, He was, nevertheless, found guilty in the court of heaven, the sins of His chosen people having been imputed (charged, reckoned) to His account. He had assumed responsibility for our indebtedness in the everlasting covenant of grace and it was at Calvary that the account became due and payable to God. "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly" (Romans 5:6). The blessed Substitute was fastened to the cursed tree and died under the wrath of God, "the Just for the unjust to bring us to God" (1 Peter 3:18). The Innocent One died in the stead of His guilty people. The perfect sacrifice willingly laid down His life in order to redeem and reconcile chosen sinners back to God. He was the spotless Lamb of God Who shed His blood to answer the demands of a broken law that required death for sin. Bless His Name, He Who died was raised again because of our justification and "there is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). What a blessed efficacy there is in the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. By His death the requirements of God’s offended justice were satisfied, divine law was honored and magnified, transgressions were paid for, sins were purged and everlasting righteousness was brought in for every sinner in whose stead He came. –Pastor Jim Byrd