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Lantana Grace Church
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Lantana Grace Church Bulletin
SUNDAY, JULY 15, 2012
Posted by: Lantana Grace Church | more..
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July 15, 2012

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We will take the Lords Supper this evening. Matthew Henry said, “If a man is not fit to take the Lords Table he is not fit to die.”

Ancient Hymn

O Lord, where'er Thy people meet,

There we behold Thy mercy-seat;

Where'er we seek Thee Thou art found,

And ev'ry place is hallowed ground.

Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen one,

Thy sovereign mercies here make known;

Here to our waiting hearts proclaim

The glory of Thy saving name.

Here may we prove the pow'r of prayer

To strengthen faith and sweeten care,

To teach our weak desires to rise,

And bring Thy love before our eyes.

Then, filled with grateful, holy love,

Our souls in praise will soar above,

And with delightful joy record

The wondrous goodness of our Lord.

By William Cowper 1731-1800

(Tune: "Doxology")



The Atonement of Christ

WHICH exalts Christ the more? Which demonstrates more the value and efficacy of Christ’s atonement: that which effectually secures the actual salvation of every one for whom it was made? Or that which ends in the great majority of those for whom He shed His precious blood being eternally punished in hell? Surely none with any spiritual discernment can fail to see which view is more glorifying to the Redeemer. And if we call to mind the nature of His satisfaction, that it was a paying of their debts, a suffering the law’s curse in their stead, in order that they might go free; and when we remember that the Judge of all accepted this atonement, was satisfied with the price Christ paid...then, where would be God’s honor, His justice, His faithfulness, were He, to yet punish millions of those for whom His Son bled and died? If Christ died for all men universally, then all men universally must be saved. There is no other possible alternative, except to say that God will punish twice, first in the person of Christ the Surety, and then in the persons of those for whom He was already punished.

I am sure none of us is lacking in compassion to his fellow-man, yet we must not allow our pity for men to lead us to make God almighty to be like us in anyway, nor the death of Christ to be ineffectual. Others may speak for themselves, but I would not dare trust my salvation to a Saviour who was unable to save those for whom He died. If it were true that Christ shed His blood for those who are now in hell, what guarantee would I have that I shall not go there? An atonement, that fails to atone, a sacrifice, which fails to deliver, is worthless. To say that salvation turns upon the sinner’s own acceptance of Christ would be like offering a sum of money to a blind man upon condition that he would see.

Many believe in an atonement made for everybody; but then, their atonement is just this; that Judas was atoned for as much as Peter, that the damned in hell were as much an object of Jesus Christ’s satisfaction as the saved in Heaven. In believing that Christ atoned for everyone they must mean that, in the case (cont.) of multitudes, Christ died in vain, for they say He died for all, and yet so ineffectual was His dying for them, that many are damned afterwards. Now, such an atonement I despise – I reject it. I had rather believe a limited atonement that is efficacious for all for whom it was intended, than an universal one that is not efficacious for anybody, except the will of man be joined with it.

- Pastor



I shall never forget one summer afternoon, when I was preaching in a village chapel about the joys of heaven, that an elderly lady sitting on my right kept looking to me with intense delight. Some people’s eyes greatly help the preacher. A telegraph goes on between us. She seemed to say to me, “Bless God for that. How I am enjoying it!” She kept drinking in the truth, and I poured out more and more precious things about the eternal kingdom and the sight of the Well beloved, till I saw what I thought was a strange light pass over her face. I went on, and those eyes were still fixed on me. She sat still as a marble figure, and I stopped and said, “Friends, I think that yon sister over there is dead.” They said that it was even so, and they bore her away. She had gone. While I was telling of heaven, she had gone there; and I remember saying that I wished that it had been my case as well as hers. It was better not, perhaps, for many reasons; but oh, I did envy her! I am always looking for the day when I shall see her again. I shall know those eyes, I am sure I shall. I shall recollect that face, if in heaven she is anything like what she was here, or bears any marks of identification. I shall not forget that inward fellowship which existed between a soul that stood with wings outspread for glory, and the poor preacher who was trying to talk of that which he knew but little of compared with her. Well, well, it will soon be my turn.

- C.H. Spurgeon



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