Dear Praying Friends: Breaking down and packing up: Our house is a mess. Trying to cram 26 years of ministry and memories into 4 suitcases is a challenge. Praise the Lord, we are able to send some things to Moengo for storage and possible retrieval in the future. We are making slow progress. We have also begun to take some items to various friends who we think would appreciate some of our “memory items.” We have sent quite a lot of things to the church already.
Soulwinning: The Lord has graciously allowed us to see four young people make professions of faith over the last two weeks when we have called on some of our families. We are most grateful to be used of Him.
Preaching: I now count the number of sermons, and will preach my last Sunday sermon at the main church on June 24th. I plan to give thanks to the Lord for how He has guided and protected us over the years, and place a challenge to the churches to do the same, especially placing His will first, and reaching out into the community and beyond, depending on Him, and not some persons like us.
Textbooks: With the completion of Volume V, the Making of a Missionary, I will shift to preparing the courses for this fall. I will definitely be teaching Comparative World Religions and Missionary Forum, and believe that two of our textbooks should prove very helpful. We are praying that the books will also prove a blessing to other schools and teachers, but also to pastors and laymen as well. You can find more information on our website: We would also appreciate web traffic, and now that we have been “found” by search engines, it should not be such a task to access the website.
I have been contacting a few Christian colleges where I have taught, informing them that the various books are available both in e-book and printed copies, and have been working on LinkedIn to increase our outreach as well. I am at We would appreciate any help and prayers you can give to allow the books to become known and used.
Our last service will be July 1st (Independence day in Suriname). That will be an emotional time; our lives have been intertwined with our people here these last 26 years. The following Tuesday we should be heading back to the USA. Kim and Ethan are driving two hours plus from Moengo to pick us up and see us off at the airport. We will arrive at our destination in South Bend on July 4th (Independence day in the USA.), since our late afternoon flight from Miami was cancelled.
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength these last few weeks
- Packing up
- Safety on the road
- Our spiritual growth
- Setting up things for the continuation of the ministries here.
- Continuing to see souls saved and discipled. (We had 6 baptized last Sunday.)
- Our ministering to others during our last few weeks here
- Preparation for our new ministry at Crown College
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname since 1986