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Don Bell | Crossville, Tennessee
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Lantana Grace Church
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Lantana Grace Church Bulletin
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 2012
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April 15, 2012


Our Savior had no sin of his own. He was born without original sin, being even from birth “that Holy One” (Luke 1:35). Throughout his life he “knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21), “did no sin” (1 Peter 2:22), “and in him is no sin” (1 John 3:5). But on Calvary the holy Lord God “made him sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Cor. 5:21). Just as in the incarnation “the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14), in substitution the Word who was made flesh “was made sin for us.” I do not know how God could be made flesh and never cease to be God; but he was. I do not know how the eternal God could die and yet never die; but he did (Acts 20:28). I do not know how all the fullness of the infinite, incomprehensible God can dwell in Christ bodily; but it does (Col. 2:9). And I do not know how Christ who knew no sin could be made sin and yet never have sinned; but he was. These things are mysteries beyond the reach of human comprehension. But they are facts of divine revelation to which we bow with adoration. Hard as it is for many to realize, our God is “slightly” bigger than our puny brains.

- Pastor Don Fortner

"I am a worm."

Christ calls himself" a worm' ...on account of the opinion that men of the world had of him...the Jews esteemed Christ as a worm, and treated him as such; he was loathsome to them and hated by them; everyone trampled upon him, and trod him under foot as men do worms...the Chaldee paraphrase renders it here a weak worm; and though Christ is the mighty God, and is also the Son of man, whom God made strong for himself; yet there was a weakness in his human nature, and he was crucified through it, 2 Cor.13:4 : and it has been observed by some, that the word used signifies the scarlet worm, or the worm that is in the grain or berry with which scarlet is dyed: and like this scarlet worm did our Lord look, when by way of mockery he was clothed with a scarlet robe; and especially when he appeared in his dyed garments, and as red in his apparel. As one that treadeth in the wine fat; when his body was covered with blood when he hung upon the cross. Which was shed to make crimson and scarlet sins as white as

snow. - John Gill

Psalm 22:6

Here our Lord Jesus makes a declaration of himself, that if it were not In the scriptures, it would be unthinkable to say He is a WORM. One of the men read this last week in the service and it moved me in my soul. So I looked up what two men said on this verse, Charles Spurgeon and John Gill.

"But I am a worm, and no man."

This verse is a miracle in language. How could the Lord of glory be brought to such abasement as to be not only lower than the angels, but even lower than men? What a contrast between " I AM " and" I am a worm"! Yet such a double nature was found in the person of our Lord Jesus when bleeding on the tree. He felt himself to be comparable to a helpless, powerless, downtrodden worm, passive while crushed, and unnoticed and despised by those who trod upon him. He selects the weakest of creatures, which is all flesh; and becomes, when trodden upon, writhing &"quivering flesh, utterly devoid of any might except strength to suffer. This was a true likeness of himself when his body and soul bad become a mass of misery-the very essence of agony-in the dying pangs of crucifixion. Man by nature is but a worm; but our Lord puts himself even beneath man, on account of the scorn which was heaped upon him and the weakness which he felt, and therefore he adds, "and no man." The privileges and blessings which belonged to the fathers he could not obtain while deserted by God, and common acts of humanity were not allowed him, for he was rejected of men; he was outlawed from the society of earth, and shut out from the smile of heaven. How utterly did the Saviour empty himself of all glory, and become of no reputation for our sakes! “A reproach of men ” their common butt and jest; a byword and a proverb unto them: the sport of the rabble, and the scorn of the rulers. Oh the caustic power of reproach, to those who endure it with patience, yet smart under it most painfully! " And despised: of thee people. " The very people who would once have crowned him then contemned him, and they who were benefited by his cures sneered at him in his woes. Sin is worthy of all reproach and contempt, and for this reason Jesus, the Sin bearer, was given up to be thus unworthily and shamefully entreated.

- Charles Spurgeon

A Friend of Sinners! (Luke 7:34)

Hear this faithful gospel word
We now tell you of our Lord:
Jesus Christ from heaven came
To save souls in sin and shame.
Chief of sinners though you be,
Come to Christ, He’ll set you free.

The self-righteous think they’re whole;
They seek no help for their soul.
None will to physicians go
But the sick who feel their woe.
None but these the Lord will call;
When they come, He saves them all.

Sinners Jesus will receive;
None but them He will relieve.
Do you see yourself as such?
Do you view your sin as much?
Come to Jesus – come today!
He will not turn you away.

“Friend of Sinners” was His name
From His foes who would Him shame.
But if sinners need a friend
Who will all their sorrows end,
None but Jesus will suffice.
Sinners find a Friend in Christ!

Jesus to this world was sent
To save sinners who repent.
All who to this Savior come
Will be taken to His home.
Come to Christ without delay;
Do not wait another day.

By Daniel E. Parks (Tune: Rock of Ages #126)

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