Foreknowledge and predestination while sweet doctrines to the elect appear bitter,harsh,and arbitrary to human reason and understanding.But these are the means by which God's purposes are accomplished.Foreknowledge and predestination is not defined in the bible as the modern church defines them.Many in the church object to these doctrines today saying they make God a tyrant,they make God unfair,they deny human freedom,they destroy the motive for evangelism.Luther has well written,"all objections to predestination proceed from the wisdom of the flesh (human reason).Hence,whoever does not deny himself and does not learn to keep his thoughts in subjection to the divine will,never will find an answer to his questions.And that rightly so,for the foolish wisdom of the flesh exalts itself above God and judges His will,just as though this were of little importance.Today we must seriously consider the fact that God set His love upon His people and that we are to rejoice in that fact,not rebel against it.
Since my wisdom is foolish, and my reasoning is biased, and my love is self-motivated, and my understanding is flawed, and my will is bent... I am grateful that our Sovereign, Omnipotent, Just, Holy, Loving God has not left me to my own free will. Thank you O Sovereign Lord for your will is done on earth just as it is in heaven.