February 12, 2012
Church Websites: sermonaudio.com/dleeb
I will be preaching in Kingsport next Sunday for the Sovereign Grace Church. Brad Hardman and Gary Williams will be taking care of the services here. I know you will give them a good hearing.
Rejoicing in Heaven
Almighty God is rejoicing. The Shepherd finds His sheep.
They were lost in sin's wilderness, There dangers 'round them steep.
He bears them on His strong shoulders and brings them to His fold.
"Rejoice with me." He calls to all. His grace thus to behold.
All heaven rejoices with Him, The Lamb upon His throne.
He has provided salvation. Redeemed He all His own.
He dressed them in His robes of white, The bride of His great love.
Rejoicing forever in heav'n, His own are now above.
Rejoice all ye His chosen ones. Salvation is in Him.
Christ Jesus, our Lord and our God, Does seek those lost in sin.
He surely will find all His sheep The Father gave to Him.
And in their Lord they will abide. This promise is from Him.
By Gary Spreacker
(Tune: ‘My Faith Has Found a Resting Place’ Pg228)
Why Chosen, Called and Kept?
“That we should be to the praise of the Glory of His Grace”
Eph. 1:12
Everything our covenant God has done in time for his people he purposed from all eternity to do it. He chose us before the foundation of the world, called us by the gospel in time, and will keep us till he takes us to where he is. We can ask why all we want, but the word of God tells us. “To the praise of the glory of his grace”.
Any good work we do, any spiritual fruit we bear, and if we bring any glory to the blessed name of the Lord Jesus it is; “That we should be to the praise of the Glory of His Grace”.
We are kept from the time we first trusted Christ and will be preserved until we step from this world into the next when we will be conformed into the image of The Lord Jesus.
Why? “That we should be to the praise of the Glory of His Grace”.
- Pastor
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O the wonder, the glory and beauty of God’s Word. It’s beyond our ability to fully understand and appreciate it. But we marvel at what we do understand. God uses many things to describe His Word – everyday, ordinary, yet wonderful and necessary things. He likens His Word to things such as Light, Bread, Milk, Honey, Meat, Fire, Water, Hammer, Sword, Plough, Seed, Rain, Dew, Treasure, Gold, Net, Mirror...a Kiss! All this and more is God’s Word for His people.
- Pastor Paul Mahan
Anybody's dog will follow me if I feed it, but only my own dog will follow me if I beat it. And, any man will be a Christian, or profess to be one, while it is all joy, and silver slippers, and gravel walks; but only the man that really loves God, who says, “All the day long have I been plagued and chastened every morning" — it is only the man of God that can say, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him — if he take away my comfort, and I have no joy but in himself, still will I cling to him.”
- C.H. Spurgeon
I have never known a man, who for whatever reason, absented himself from the public worship of God, who did not sooner or later bring sorrow upon himself and upon his family. Blessed are the people who find their place within the temple of Thy grace.
To see the law by Christ fulfilled, and hear His pardoning voice, Changes a slave into a child, And duty into choice.
- William Cowper
I have nothing against seeking spiritual counseling, I counsel at least three times a week from the pulpit. And God knows I need counseling myself. But if you or I or any one else experiences the peace of God that passes all understanding - a peace that keeps our hearts and minds and relieves us of much of our anxieties and cares, we will soon find that there is no secret formula. It is gotten and maintained through living by faith upon the Son of God, by heart prayer to God, and casting all our care upon him (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 4:6-7; 1 Pet. 5:7). And be certain of this, no one can do this for us. We must do this as individuals. We must do this for ourselves.
- Pastor Bruce Crabtree