1. God of grace and matchless glory, Grant that we would worship Thee; Thou hast gathered us together, Now reveal Thy majesty. Send to us Thy sovereign Spirit, Speaking through Thy Word in might; Showing us the bless-ed Savior, Making Him our one delight.
2. Prophet, Priest and reigning Monarch, Friend of sinners, what a Name; Word of God made flesh for sinners, Jesus came to bear our shame. See the perfect, blameless Savior, Bearing guilt, sin not His own; Sacrifice of God most precious, Died our sin-debt to atone.
3. By the blood of the Redeemer, All our sins were washed away; He arose and death was conquered, For His sheep who went astray. Saints of God bow down and worship Render praise and thankfulness; Joyfully adore the Savior, Jesus Christ our righteousness. *************************************************************************** Daily Readings -January 29-February 4 Sunday - Exodus 35-37 Monday - Exodus 38-39 Tuesday - Exodus 40 Wednesday- Leviticus 1-3 Thursday - Leviticus 4-6 Friday - Leviticus 7-8 Saturday - Leviticus 9-10 *************************************************** CONGREGATIONAL SCRIPTURE READING: PSALM 29 *************************************************************************** DON’T BORROW FROM TOMORROW’S TROUBLES
"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof" (Matthew 6:34 - KJV). "So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble" (Amplified Bible).
It is a matter of much practical importance, that you take heed not to anticipate or to forestall the promised grace. For every possible circumstance in which you may be placed, the fullness of Christ and the supplies of the covenant are provided. That provision is only meted out as the occasions for whose history it was provided occur. Beware of creating trouble by antedating it. Seen through the mist, the advancing object may appear gigantic in size, and terrific in appearance; and yet the trouble you so much dread may never come; or coming, it will assuredly bring with it the "word spoken in due season" (Proverbs 15:23). In the case of every child of God, calamity never comes alone; it invariably brings Jesus with it. –Octavius Winslow *************************************************************************** NO OTHER WAY
"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up" (John 3:14). The deliverance of sinners from the claims of divine justice was dependent upon Christ bringing in everlasting righteousness for them by the sacrifice of Himself, therefore the Savior said to Nicodemus, "even so must the Son of Man be lifted up." It was in this way the demands of God’s law would be upheld and all the sins of those people entrusted to the Surety before the world began would be taken away, never to be remembered again. Those who insist that sinners can, by will, worth or work, make themselves acceptable to God, render the death of Christ needless and ineffectual. "If righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain" (Galatians 2:21). Jonathan Edwards said, "If there be ground for you to trust in your righteousness, then all that Christ did to purchase salvation, and all that God did to prepare the way for it, is in vain." Our salvation was conditioned upon the faithfulness of Christ to fulfil His covenant obligation and give His life a ransom for many. There was no other way for a holy God to save sinners. –Pastor Jim Byrd *************************************************************************** "THEY SHALL"
God formed all people, they are all the workmanship of God; but there are a few characters set especially apart as a little group, whom God has ordained to glorify; and to them He says, "This people have I formed for myself, and they shall shew forth My praise" (Isaiah 43:21). "O yes," says free-will, "They shall have a chance to do it, if they will." But God says, "They shall." Unbelief says "You shan’t;" carnal reason says, "You can’t;" and inbred corruption says "You won’t." But when God says "You shall," and when He speaks the divine "shall," it comes with an invincible energy to the conscience, and that blessed truth is made manifest that "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill" (Psalm 113:7). –William Gadsby