"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,The Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6) *************************************************************************** O WHAT A SAVIOR Tune to "AWAY IN A MANGER" Words by JIM BYRD
1. Christ Jesus the Savior came down from above, In covenant mercy and infinite love; The Lord of creation a servant became, To save all His people, O praise His great name.
2. Enthroned in His beauty and all glorious, The God of all mercy was made like to us; The Word was made flesh and laid glory aside, What grace and affection for His chosen bride.
3. Our Prophet, High Priest and our eternal King, Descended from heaven salvation to bring; Emmanuel came, the Lord with us on earth, Behold a great myst’ry, the dear Savior’s birth.
4. O what a Redeemer is Jesus our Lord, He paid all our sin-debt, to God we’re restored; Redeemed by His blood, He our ransom has paid, And clothed in His beauty His saints are arrayed.
5. All praise to the Savior, our Refuge is He, In Christ we are safe throughout eternity; Come now and adore Him Who made us His choice, Let all of His people in Jesus rejoice. *************************************************************************** Daily Readings- December 25-31 Sunday - 2 & 3 John Monday - Jude - Rev. 2 Tuesday - Rev. 3-6 Wednesday- Rev. 7-10 Thursday - Rev. 11-14 Friday - Rev. 15-18 Saturday- Rev. 19-22
CONGREGATIONAL SCRIPTURE READING TODAY: JOHN 1:1-14 (pew Bible, page 778) ________________________________________________________________________ JOY BORN AT BETHLEHEM "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger" (Luke 2:10-12). I say unto you who would know true peace and lasting joy, come ye to the babe of Bethlehem, in after days the Man of Sorrows, the substitutionary Sacrifice for sinners. Come, ye little children, ye boys and girls, come ye; for He also was a boy. "The holy child Jesus" is the children’s Savior, and saith still, "Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not." Come hither, ye maidens, ye who are still in the morning of your beauty, and, like Mary, rejoice in God your Savior. The virgin bore Him on her bosom, so come ye and bear Him in your hearts, saying, "Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given." And you, ye men in the plentitude of your strength, remember how Joseph cared for Him, and watched with reverent solicitude His tender years; be you to His cause as a father and a helper; sanctify your strength to His service. And ye women advanced in years, ye matrons and widows, come like Anna and bless the Lord that you have seen the salvation of Israel, and ye hoary heads, who like Simeon are ready to depart, come ye and take the Savior in your arms, adoring Him as your Savior and your all. Ye shepherds, ye simple hearted, ye who toil for your daily bread, come and adore the Savior; and stand not back ye wise men, ye who know by experience and who by meditation peer into deep truth, come ye, and like the sages of the East bow low before His presence, and make it your honor to pay honor to Christ the Lord. For my own part, the incarnate God is all my hope and trust. I have seen the lineworld’s religion at the fountain head and my heart has sickened within me; I come back to preach, by God’s help, yet more earnestly the gospel, the simple gospel of the Son of Man. "Jesus, Master, I take Thee to be mine forever! May all in this house, through the rich grace of God, be led to do the same, and may they all be Thine, great Son of God, in the day of Thine appearing, for Thy love’s sake. Amen." –C. H. Spurgeon, 12/24/1871 ________________________________________________________________________ AFFLICTIONS "This is my comfort in my affliction: for Thy Word hath quickened me." (Psalm 119:50) We all have our "afflictions." They may be physical, family, work, all of these and more. They prove us as to whether we have faith in Christ or not. If we do, they will drive us to the Word and worship of God with our fellow afflicted ones. The Word and worship of God is the believer’s "comfort" and His Spirit causes the Word to "quicken" God’s people in soul, mind and even body." –Pastor Gary Shepard