"I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being." (Psalm 104:33) ********************************************************** SING HIS WORTHY PRAISE Tune to "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" CM Words by Jim Byrd
1. More precious is the name of Christ, Than ev’ry name beside; Sing praises to the Son of God, May He be glorified, May He be glorified.
2. Who else could save our sinful souls, From everlasting shame? To cleanse us from our sinfulness, Christ down from heaven came, Christ down from heaven came.
3. Behold a wondrous mystery, The Lord in human clay; Came forth to seek and save the lost, His sheep who went astray, His sheep who went astray.
4. Christ died a sacrificial death, The law He magnified; His blood a full atonement made, And God is satisfied, And God is satisfied.
5. Our Savior conquered sin and death, His holy Name we bless; We are redeemed and justified, By Christ our Righteousness, By Christ our Righteousness. ********************************************************* Daily Readings- December 18-24 Sunday - Hebrews 11-13 Monday - James 1-5 Tuesday - 1 Peter 1-2 Wednesday- 1 Peter 3-5 Thursday - 2 Peter 1-3 Friday - 1 John 1-3 Saturday- 1 John 4-5 ********************************************************* SCRIPTURE READING TODAY: ISAIAH 40:1-11 ********************************************************* GOD AND MAN Most would agree that Jesus of Nazareth was a good man, but that does not set forth the full truth about Him. He was not merely a good man, but the only good man who has ever lived for He is the Son of God incarnate. None but God is good - Jesus Christ is God; none but man could suffer, bleed and die - Jesus Christ is man. He alone was qualified to endure the law’s curse and save His people from their sins. There are many who do not curse His Name nor say harsh things about Him. They do, however, have inferior thoughts of His person and work, refuse to look to Him for righteousness and seek to establish their own righteousness by their efforts. Though they speak of His goodness, they fall woefully short of truly honoring Him and giving Him the worship He has earned by His successful substitutionary atonement upon the cross. He is the Son of God and the Son of Man Whose obedience unto death satisfied divine justice and enabled God to be the just Savior of every sinner in whose stead He died. Because this God-Man canceled the sin-debt of His people and brought in everlasting righteousness, God raised Him from the dead and exalted Him to the highest heaven. "O come let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord." –Pastor Jim Byrd ************************************************************************************* NO OTHER BUT CHRIST "Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God" (John 6:67-69). As it was with Peter and the rest of the disciples, so it is with all sensible sinners and true believers who see there is no other to go to for life and salvation, but Christ; not to the law of Moses, which accuses, curses, and condemns, and by which there is neither life nor righteousness; nor to any creature, or creature performance, for there is a curse on him that trusts in man and makes flesh his arm; nor to their own righteousness, which is impure and imperfect, and cannot justify before God nor answer for them in a time to come; nor to their tears of repentance, which will not satisfy the law, atone for sins, or wash them away; nor to carnal descent, birth privileges, a religious education, sobriety, and civility, to trust to which, is to have confidence in the flesh, which will be of no avail; nor to ceremonial services, or moral duties, or even evangelical ordinances (baptism and the Lord’s Supper), neither of which can take away sin. There is no other Savior but Christ to look to; no other Mediator between God and man, to make use of; no other Physician of value for diseased and sin sick souls to apply unto; no other Fountain but His blood for polluted souls to wash in, and be cleansed; no other City of Refuge, or Stronghold, for souls sensible of danger, to flee unto and be safe; no other to come to as the Bread of Life, where hungry souls may be fed; no other place of rest for those that are weary and heavy laden; nor is there any other where there is plenty of all grace and security from every enemy, as in Him: and therefore, to whom can they have recourse, but unto Him? –John Gill ************************************************************************************ Every departure from the doctrine of election in any degree has been a departure from the gospel, for such departure always involves the introduction of some obligation on man’s part to make a contribution towards his own salvation, a contribution he simply cannot make. –copied