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Happy Birthday!
18th - Chase Eichner
21st - Devin Alers 23rd - Kim Vincent
We will take the Lords Supper this evening. May you all have a blessed and joyful time with your family and friends over the holidays. There will be NO SERVICE next Sunday.
Call to Worship
Great Father of Glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is displayed in Thy face!
In Jesus Thy image, with brightness we view,
And hope to be formed in that likeness anew.
Oh, wonder of wonders! Astonished I gaze,
To see in a manger, the Ancient of Days;
From sin to release us, that yoke so long worn,
My God, my Creator, of Mary was born.
For unworthy sinners, my Lord bowed his head
For unworthy sinners, He suffered and bled;
My spirit rejoices, the work is all done!
My soul is redeemed, my salvation is won!
Greta Father of glory, how rich is Thy grace!
What wonderful love is displayed in Thy face!
In Jesus beloved, we’re washed in His blood,
With hope we appear, at the throne of our God.
(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation“ # 268)
The following article is an edited outline of a daily reading by William Mason:
Ministers who do not preach Christ, or sinners, who do not speak of Christ, are to be pitied. Their eyes are blind to His matchless glory, nor do their hearts understand their desperate need of Him. However,
1. When redeemed sinners see Christ’s glory, they will speak of Him to others.
· John 12:41 – “These things said Esaias, when he saw His glory, and spake of Him.”
· John 4:29 – “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?”
· There is nothing self-exalting, nor crying out – ‘See me, admire me, or what a fine experience I had.’
2. When redeemed sinners see Christ’s glory, they will speak of Him to God the Father.
· They will come in His name, they will plead His blood only for the pardon of sin; His righteousness alone for the justification of their souls; and His intercession for their obtaining every blessing in earth and heaven.
· It is on this basis alone that they come with assurance before the throne of grace. It pleased the Father, that in Christ all fullness of grace and glory should dwell, Colossians 1:19.
3. When redeemed sinners see Christ’s glory, they will speak of Him to one another.
· The sight of Christ’s glory blinds us to our own fancied glory.
· The more we see of Him, the less we like ourselves. What glory is there in a filthy dunghill, or a birdcage full of ravenous birds, or a nest full of scorpions or snakes? Even worse than these are our natures apart from the grace of God.
When I my Savior’s glory see
Revealed in the word to faith,
My soul is full of ecstasy,
I dwell with joy on what He saith.
My tongue is loosed to speak His fame,
And tell poor sinners all around,
That they with me may know His name,
And say, I’ve precious Jesus found.
There are three principle characteristics of Divine grace.
Secondly, IT IS FREE,
“Being justified
FREELY by His grace,” (Romans 3:24).
“Even so might grace REIGN,” (Romans 5:21). If grace REIGNS, then it is on the throne, and the occupant of the throne is Sovereign.Hence, “the THRONE of grace
,” (Heb. 4:16).
“If ever we begin to think that we have seen all that we need to see in the Person of Christ, we have made a very great mistake - a mistake that will affect all our after-growth. No; through eternity we shall be exploring the person of Christ. For in that person everything that is wondrous meets. There you have the Creator and the creature in one, the finite and the Infinite, the visible and Invisible. There you have humanity married to Divinity. A most wondrous mystery, the person of Christ, God-man! Let us always take Christ's person with us, whatever subject in connection with Him we are about to explore.”
- Miles McKee
A man who looks toward the light sees no shadow; a man who walks toward the light leaves darkness behind him. People get in darkness by turning away from the light. They hide in obscure corners; they bury themselves in nooks where the rays of the Sun of Righteousness cannot reach them; they close their blinds and shutters, and wonder that they have no light.
- Author Unknown
, because God exercises it toward and bestows it upon whom He pleases. for none did ever purchase it.. Grace was planned before it was exercised, purposed before it was imparted. “Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE the world began,” (2 Timothy 1:9).