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Our Meeting with Pastor Paul Mahan starts this Friday at 7PM. We will have a Fellowship Dinner next Sunday.
The Son of Man Glorified
Now is the Son of Man
In His death glorified.
No greater work, e'er none beside,
The Lord is crucified.
Salvation now is done
In Christ's God's belov'd Son,
Who gave Himself, the sinless One,
To redeem all His own.
Now is the Son of Man
In His death glorified.
Now in His blood He doth provide
Forgiveness for His bride.
Adam's fall is reversed;
Price paid for the accursed.
The chains of sin our Lord did burst
For the ones He loved first.
Now is the Son of Man
In His death glorified,
In heaven at His Father's side,
Our Mediator, Guide.
Our God has put all things
Under His feet crowning
His power and majesty supreme
Of Whom creation sings
By Gary Spreacker
(Tune: ‘Crown Him With Many Crowns’ Pg.62)
Ashamed, Not Ashamed
In my life I have done more things to be ashamed of than can be numbered; every sin I have committed is cause for shame. Do I feel the shame I should? No. My greatest shame is that sometimes I feel no shame at all. How often have I brought shame on others, on my family, on the church, on some of my dear brethren? But, and I bless God for this, there is something I will never be ashamed of. I will not be ashamed of the gospel, for that is where God reveals his righteousness, his righteousness as God, and the way he makes sinners righteous by the substitutionary satisfying death of his Son. This gospel is the power of God that brings faith and turns a soul against himself to trust the Lord Jesus alone.
Because of this gospel I will never be brought to shame before God almighty at the judgment. The word of God plainly says; “whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed”. We believe Christ is the end of the law for righteousness, we believe this in our hearts; now who is he that condemns us? It is God who justified us, it is Christ who died, who rose again and now intercedes for us. How can we be ashamed or brought to shame before the throne of judgment?
One of the most blessed and amazing truths is that “God is not ashamed to be called our God” (Heb. 11:16). Yesterday God was not ashamed to be called our God, at this very moment, not tomorrow nor throughout eternity will he be ashamed to be called our God. He is the Lord and He changes not.
One more blessed truth is that Christ is “not ashamed to call us brethren” (Heb. 2:1). He died to save us lives to keep us and will come again to take us to where He is. We know that when we see him as he is that we shall be like him and when that blessed day comes we will never do another shameful act have another shameful thought because, sin will be no more and when it is gone forever, so is shame. - Pastor
The most blessed words ever spoken to the human race were, "Christ died for the ungodly." Jesus, the Son of God, Himself God over all, the infinitely glorious One, Creator of heaven and earth, out of love to me, stooped to become a man and die "for the ungodly," and purchased our salvation. The Christ of God, the Messiah of God, though He had no part in the fall and the sin, which came from it, has died to redeem us from its penalty. Miracle of miracles! "Christ died for the ungodly." An angel from Heaven could bring to you no better news than this, that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly."
- Pastor Milton Howard
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1 Corinthians 15:21-22 "For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
Death is the result of sin. While sin was unknown, such things as sickness, pain, and death were unknown. SIN caused the great change. Medicine does its best, but all it can do is treat the symptoms. As long as sin is in us, we will have sickness, pain and death. Advertisements tell us that there is no reason we should ever have a pain or sickness, that there is a pill to take care of every one of these. But, our problem is sin in our heart. We know that evil is in this world. The only thing we deny is that there is evil in us. Death reigns in us. Physical death, spiritual death, and eternal death are the results of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ has made an end of sin, and has destroyed the power of death. Those who "believe in Him, though they were dead, yet shall they live." He is the Resurrection of the dead, and the Life of the living. He raises the soul from the death of sin to a life of righteousness. Sin no longer has dominion over us. We know "that in ourselves there dwells no good thing." We know we will still die. But we know also that "death has lost its sting," for "the sting of death is sin." But, sin has been taken away by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." - Pastor Milton Howard