Thanksgiving and the Christian
A discussion of the origin and importance of thanksgiving, both in the life of the nation and the Christian. Pastors Brian McCrorie, Jon Kirby, and Bob Hays are featured in the conversation. [ ... ]
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-- recent blog posts -- 12/03/13 - Majoring on the Minors 11/05/13 - The Plague of Pornography 10/01/13 - Pastor Appreciation Month 09/10/13 - Is Sin Really that Bad for You? Pt. 2 09/10/13 - Is Sin Really that Bad for You? Pt. 1 05/20/13 - The Rest of the Story... 03/19/13 - An Interview with Dr. Harold M. Best 02/19/13 - Watashi Boy: An Interview with Bob Hays 01/07/13 - An Interview with an Evangelist 11/13/12 - Hope for the Holidays 10/10/12 - Praying for His Coming 10/02/12 - Trellis & Vine - The Workshop 09/20/12 - The Seven C's of History 09/04/12 - Starting September 9th: The Course of... 08/28/12 - Do This in Remembrance of Me 08/21/12 - Getting Wet and Getting Saved, Pt. 2 08/14/12 - Getting Wet and Getting Saved 07/17/12 - Raindrops Aren't Fallin' on My Head! 07/10/12 - Creative Evangelism? 06/05/12 - Listen Up! 05/11/12 - A Conversation with Joy 05/09/12 - Ian & Larissa's Story 05/08/12 - Did God Really Say? Pt. 2 05/08/12 - Did God Really Say? Pt. 1 05/01/12 - Dr. Kirby, I Presume? 04/19/12 - Together for the Gospel 03/20/12 - Special Interview! 03/13/12 - Fellowship Time! 03/06/12 - That I May Know Him 02/28/12 - God and God Alone 02/07/12 - Superbowls & Sweethearts 01/24/12 - Membership Matters 01/12/12 - Dealing with Death 01/10/12 - The MAN Hour 01/03/12 - Happy New Year! 12/13/11 - The Backstory of Christmas 11/15/11 - Thanksgiving and the Christian 11/10/11 - Church & State; Creation Debate 11/01/11 - Pumpkins and Protestants 10/27/11 - New Podcast: Till Death Do Us Part? 10/25/11 - Out with the Old, In with the New 10/18/11 - New Podcast: Wheldon, Will, and Witness 10/13/11 - The Afterlife, The Elephant Room, and... 10/13/11 - The Afterlife, The Elephant Room, and... 10/06/11 - Judgment, Johnson, Jonah, and Jesus 10/04/11 - Ray Comfort's new video 10/03/11 - Is God Really in Control? 09/27/11 - Is the Bible Really All We Need? 09/26/11 - Welcome