"Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to Him that fashioned it, What makest Thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?" (Isaiah 45:9) *************************************************************************** JESUS DIED FOR SINNERS Tune "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN" CM/DOUBLE Words by JIM BYRD
1. Consider this amazing truth, For sinners Jesus died. To save them from unending woe, The Son was crucified. Their cause the Savior undertook, From old eternity; To save the chosen of the Lord, From sin to set them free.
2. The Father laid upon His Son, Their sinfulness and blame; And in their place He bled and died, To purge them from all shame. ‘Twas by His bloody sacrifice, The law was satisfied; "Tis finished," was the Victor’s cry, Then bowed His head and died.
3. He rose, the Savior ever lives, The King and Advocate; For sinners Jesus intercedes, The mighty Potentate. How safe the souls for whom He died, They never shall be lost; He reconciled them unto God, And paid their ransom cost.
4. But how can I assurance have, To know when Jesus bled, He put away my guilt and sin, And suffered in my stead? If by the Spirit of His grace, On Christ I have believed; Then all is well for in the Son I am by God received. *************************************************************************** CONGREGATIONAL SCRIPTURE READINGS TODAY: MORNING: PSALM 42 EVENING: LUKE 8:1-18
Readings- Nov. 6-12 Sunday - John 11-12 Monday - John 13-16 Tuesday - John 17-18 Wednesday- John 19-21 Thursday - Acts 1-2 Friday - Acts 3-4 Saturday- Acts 5-6
*************************************************************************** OUR EXPERIENCE OF SALVATION "And I will give them an heart to know Me, that I am the LORD: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto Me with their whole heart" (Jeremiah 24:7).
Our experience of salvation, when applied by the power of the Holy Spirit in the new birth, is infinitely more than a moral reformation or the mere acquiring of knowledge. It is a true heart transformation, a miracle of God’s power and grace in Christ Who gives life to His people and a heart to know, believe and follow Him as Lord and Savior. Someone once wrote, "Reformation without transformation, which comes by regeneration, will only lead to degradation and ultimately condemnation." Now in this powerful transformation that comes from regeneration by the Holy Spirit there is a moral reformation, either from open immorality or from self-righteous religion to true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and repentance of sin and dead works. Also, in this powerful transformation that comes in regeneration by the Holy Spirit there is the acquiring of knowledge as God the Holy Spirit reveals truth to us and teaches us the reality of God’s holiness and justice, our sinfulness and depravity, and the glory of salvation by God’s grace in and by the Lord Jesus Christ, based on His finished work on the cross. The Holy Spirit does not convict us of sin without showing us and teaching us of our sin. He does not bring us to Christ without showing us and teaching us of salvation by God’s grace in and by the Lord Jesus Christ, based on His finished work on the cross. The Holy Spirit does not bring us to Christ without showing us and teaching us by the Gospel preached, heard and believed, how God is just to justify sinners like us by the blood and imputed righteousness of Christ. Christ saved us by His work on the cross. We experience this salvation in the fruit of His work when we are born again by the Holy Spirit. We are then changed in heart, and we know Him Whom to know is life eternal. "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent" (John 17:3). –Pastor Bill Parker *************************************************************************** CHRIST IS EVERYTHING - MAN IS NOTHING The Word of God declares that "every man at his best state is altogether vanity" (Psalm 39:5). The sweet Psalmist of Israel is simply saying that man is nothing. The Scriptures also affirm that "Christ is all" (Colossians 3:11). The apostle Paul is firmly stating that the Lord Jesus Christ is everything. Those who would insist that man is more than nothing, who say that he is something, must, of necessity, cease to acknowledge that Christ is everything. To the extent that they make man to be more than nothing, to that exact degree they make Christ to be less than everything. You cannot raise man up without lowering Christ. It is impossible, you see, for Christ to be everything if man is something, and man cannot be something if Christ is everything. Therefore, if Christ is everything, and He is, then man must be nothing, and he is. –Pastor Jim Byrd