Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.
For nothing good have I, Whereby Thy grace to claim,
I’ll wash my garments white, In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.
And now complete in Him, My robe His righteousness,
Close sheltered ’neath His side, I am divinely blest.
Lord, now indeed I find, Thy power and Thine alone,
Can change the leper’s spots, And melt the heart of stone.
When from my dying bed, My ransomed soul shall rise,
“Jesus died my soul to save,” Shall rend the vaulted skies.
(Tune: ‘Jesus Paid it All’, Pg.125
Be Still
Psalm 46:10
The God of the bible is out of fashion in his own world. He is ridiculed, jokes are popular about him and his Son. He has been reduced to slogans and billboards and bumper stickers. His name has become a good luck charm, an insurance policy and whatever people need him to be at any given time.
Being a Christian now is just claiming you are one. It doesn’t matter if you are living with someone without being married, a homosexual, drunkard or drug addict. You can attend a “church” and be received as you are and you won’t ever have your sin mentioned because god is love after all, and we aren’t to “judge”. Preachers use Gods name to lie to people, to manipulate them, entertain them and say, “Give god a big handclap”, “God show up and show out”.
Rebellion is in style from Main Street to the back streets and alleys and in the pulpits across our country, women and homosexuals are popular as preachers.
But I do know what God said, “Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted in the earth” Ps. 46:10. There will come a time when everyone on who has been and is now on this earth will know God as he is! He will be exalted on this earth; every one will know his power, see his glory and experience his justice. Every rebel, every lying preacher, every one who used him as an insurance policy or fire escape from hell and took his Holy Name in vain will have their mouths stopped as they experience his power and justice when he confines them to an everlasting hell.
I also know that when He is exalted in the earth, and brings judgment it will not change any ones nature or view of God. If God doesn’t change your nature here where you know Him as He is and delight in Him as He is, death will not change a soul’s nature.
We who know that He is God and beside Him there is none else…are still and find rest and peace in Him.
- Pastor
After all the logic, after all the reasoning, when the smoke blows away and the dust settles we are left finally with this piercing question. We know that, "The gospel is the (only) power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes..." "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." So, what is the content of this gospel and what is the message contained in this name? When the apostle Paul said; "we preach Christ crucified", he did not mean, we're going to affirm the historical facts surrounding a man named Jesus that died upon a Roman cross. Neither did he mean, we're going to present the theological foundations and the Biblical dogma supporting the idea of a Savior who died for sinners. Though our gospel is solidly historical, profoundly theological, and consistently Biblical, the message of our gospel is far too personal and powerful to be reduced to a mere proposition. No, we are to proclaim and believe a Jesus who is in all His attributes the anointed One of God. A Jesus who sovereignly secured the salvation of His people by satisfying all the demands of God's holy law and laying His life down as a Substitute, atoned for the elect of God once and for all. There are those who say; "yes, I believe that is the content of the gospel", yet they refuse to denounce the freewill Arminian gospel they were "saved" under. They are unwilling to say that the content of THE one and only gospel that has the power to save is NOT in the message of the popular Jesus. I can only come to one conclusion. They don't really believe the gospel. Not savingly. The message you believe you were "saved" under is the message you believe the gospel to be. Again I ask you, "what is the gospel?"
- Pastor Gregg Elmquist