Benny Hinn has parked his 'bandwagon' at the Odyssey Arena, Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 24-25 June 2005 for another of his 'Miracle Crusades.'
Those familiar with Hinn's performances and prophecies will immediately recognise the trademark of this age β deception (cf. Matthew 24:4,5,23&24; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 18).
In the course of this message, the following points are considered:
1. The BLUEPRINT For Benny's Bandwagon ...
2. The BEHAVIOUR On Benny's Bandwagon ...
3. The BELIEFS / BLASPHEMIES From Benny's Bandwagon ...
The ultimate theological trapeze artist, Hinn claims to have abandoned doctrines he once promoted respecting the nature of both Christ and man ... one obvious problem, however, his pronouncements on these subjects, dating back to 1990, he claimed to have delivered by "divine revelation"! ... Yet another evident mark of the False Prophet! ... BEWARE OF BENNY!!!
Persons who have never experienced the presence of God for themselves always doubt that it is possible or that others have... The thing about Benny Hinn is that he doesnt glorify Himself. He always points one to Jesus Christ...Because of personal testimonies one should stand back abit before criticizing... We need not to worry about benny Hinn becasue God knows who are His. At the end of time God will say to those who he used mightily that did not belong to depart from Me i never knew u... The thing about God is that He never lets an opportunity pass by to demonstrate himelf and power... So the fact that He is using Benny is no surprise because he has made himself available to God... let us check out own heart before the word to make sure we will not be deceived by make our own calling and election sure
You need to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Especially about things you know nothing about. Have you been to a Crusade of Benny Hinn's? If you had and your heart was open to the presence of God you would undoubtly agree that indeed God's presence was there and He was worshipped genuinely and people were touched and healed.Not by Benny Hinn but by God. "Man" is fleshly..."man" does silly, strange things sometimes.."man" fails and disappoints, but God does not. I have been to three crusades not because I am a Benny Hinn follower but because I'm a God follower and I love to worship Him and that's all they do in those crusades.The focus is on GOD and His healing touch and presence not on Benny Hinn.Have you ever thought to pray for Benny Hinn instead of judge and criticize? I've heard him bring the message of salvation. I've been a Christian for 33 years.There is nothing that is ADDED and nothing that is unscriptural.He reads straight from the bible and people come to an altar and give their heart to Jesus with tears streaming down their face.You can't take that experience away from someone because it's REAL to them.I'm sure this will be deleted, but I pray whoever reads this will understand that Benny Hinn isn't perfect and neither are you, but God moves in those services!