We have posted the Systematic Theology Notes on Sermon Audio
We have posted the handouts and notes from Pastor Brian’s Systematic Theology Series on SermonAudio.com You can view the entire Series here. The notes are posted as pdf files available with the first message for each major section. For... [ ... ]
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Our Blog
-- recent blog posts -- 03/11/2022 - Grace Community Church 2022 Spring... 02/26/17 - Glorious Humility 02/26/17 - Weeping for the Enemies of God 02/19/17 - Jacob, Esau and the Grace of God 02/12/17 - Strive for the Kingdom 02/05/17 - Religious Hypocrisy vs. True Compassion 01/27/17 - The Evil and Oppression of Abortion 01/22/17 - How Long O Lord? 01/22/17 - Expiring Grace 01/08/17 - Jesus the Divider 01/04/17 - The Marks of a Healthy Christian 12/22/16 - A Suggested Reading List for 2017 12/11/16 - Servants Waiting for the Lord 12/04/16 - Do Not Be Anxious, Part 2 12/03/16 - Some Brief Thoughts for Bible Reading 11/27/16 - Do not be anxious, part 1 11/25/16 - The Fog of War and the Gospel of Peace 11/20/16 - The Fatal Folly of Greed 11/13/16 - Standing for Christ & the Unpardonable... 11/06/16 - Fear Not 10/30/16 - Hypocrisy & the Last Day 10/23/16 - Woe to You Lawyers 10/16/16 - Woe to You Pharisees 10/16/16 - Faithful to Fearful and Faithless 10/11/16 - What You Lose When You Linger 10/09/16 - Responding to the Light 10/05/16 - Embrace Your Opportunities 09/18/16 - The Stronger Man 09/11/16 - Pray Boldly 09/04/16 - The Good Portion 09/04/16 - The Lord's Prayer 07/24/16 - The Good Samaritan 07/24/16 - What prophets and kings desired to see 07/17/16 - Judgement & Joy 07/15/16 - Always Go to the Wedding 07/10/16 - The Plentiful Harvest 07/03/16 - Are you sure you want to follow Jesus? 06/26/16 - Fulfilling the Exodus 06/26/16 - When Disciples Mess Up 06/19/16 - An Amazing and Terrifying Night 06/12/16 - The Life of a Disciple Part 2 06/12/16 - The Life of a Disciple Part 1 06/08/16 - Brian Update 6/8/16 06/05/16 - The Unexpected Messiah 06/05/16 - Who do you say that I am? 05/29/16 - Jesus Provides 05/22/16 - Rejected for Christ 05/22/16 - Authority to Send 05/20/16 - Brian Update 5/20 05/15/16 - Twelve Years Bleeding 05/15/16 - A Dying Daughter 05/10/16 - From Brian 5/10 05/08/16 - Fighting for Faith 05/08/16 - Jesus and the Formerly Demon Possessed... 05/06/16 - Brian's Home 05/04/16 - Update on Brian: On the road 05/02/16 - Brian is Coming Home 05/01/16 - Where is your faith? 05/01/16 - Panic Meets Power 04/30/16 - Saturday (4/30) Update 04/29/16 - Friday Evening Update 04/29/16 - Friday Update for Brian 04/28/16 - Important Prayer for Brian 04/28/16 - Update on Brian 04/27/16 - Brian is through surgery! 04/24/16 - When the Light Shines 04/17/16 - When Jesus Does Explain Himself 04/17/16 - When Jesus Doesn’t Explain Himself 04/10/16 - A Call to Men to Lead their Families 04/10/16 - Will Not the Judge of the Earth Do... 04/03/16 - Women & the Kingdom of God 04/03/16 - Is Anything too Difficult for the LORD? 03/27/16 - The one who has been forgiven much 03/20/16 - Rejecting God's Best 03/13/16 - The Doubting Prophet 03/06/16 - Compassion & Power 03/06/16 - The Centurion's Faith 02/28/16 - The Covenant with Abraham, Part 9 - The... 02/22/16 - Fw: new important message 02/21/16 - The Only Firm Foundation 02/21/16 - The Covenant with Abraham (8) 02/16/16 - The Covenant with Abraham, parts 6 and... 02/09/16 - The Covenant with Abraham (Part 5) 02/07/16 - Out of the Abundance of the Heart 01/31/16 - The LORD is Near the Brokenhearted 01/24/16 - Take the Log Out of Your Own Eye 01/24/16 - Do Not Judge 01/19/16 - Living and Holy Sacrifices 01/10/16 - Otherworldly Love 01/10/16 - Outrageous Love 12/29/15 - What Are You Going to Read This New... 12/29/15 - Hail the Incarnate Deity! 12/27/15 - Love Your Enemies 12/21/15 - Sacred Paradoxes 12/15/15 - The Covenant with Abraham (3) 12/13/15 - Praying & Choosing 12/06/15 - Hard hearts before the Lord 12/06/15 - Mercy in the Wilderness 11/27/15 - Persevere in God's Word 11/22/15 - The Covenant with Abraham, Part 2 11/22/15 - Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath 11/15/15 - The Newness of Christ 11/15/15 - The Covenant with Abraham 11/08/15 - A Weekend with Conrad Mbewe 11/01/15 - Christ Came for Sinners 10/27/15 - The Warrior-King Meets the King-Priest... 10/25/15 - Who can forgive sins but God alone? 10/18/15 - Cleansing the Defiled 10/11/15 - Leaving Everything 10/11/15 - Walking by Faith, Not By Sight 10/04/15 - The Kingdom of God 09/28/15 - God Calls Abram 09/27/15 - His Word Possessed Authority 09/20/15 - The Rejected Rescuer 09/20/15 - Return to Genesis 09/13/15 - The Everyday War Against Temptation 09/13/15 - Jesus, Our Champion 09/06/15 - Redemption's Milestones 09/06/15 - Sufficient Grace, Again 08/30/15 - Sola Gratia, Again. 08/23/15 - Jesus' Ministry Begins 08/23/15 - I Give Eternal Life to Them 08/09/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (Part 9) 08/09/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (Part 8) 08/07/15 - Resentful and Angry 08/02/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (7) 08/02/15 - Expecting Jesus 07/26/15 - The Life of the Repentant 07/12/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (Part 5) 07/12/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (Part 4) 07/05/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (Part 3) 07/05/15 - Last Days’ Challenges: Reflections on... 06/28/15 - Exiles in a Land of Gay Marriage 06/28/15 - The Need for Repentance 06/22/15 - The Boy Jesus 06/22/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth (Part 2) 06/14/15 - The Inescapable Jesus 06/14/15 - Longing for Redemption 06/08/15 - The God of the Shepherd's Gospel 06/08/15 - The Shepherd’s Gospel 06/03/15 - I am a Rock, I am an Island 05/31/15 - The Birth of Salvation 05/29/15 - The Dawn of Salvation 05/29/15 - Worship in Spirit and Truth 05/22/15 - Blessed Redemption 05/22/15 - Divine Diversity Training 05/12/15 - Setting the Table for Grace 05/12/15 - The Great Reversals of God 05/12/15 - Sin, Curse, & Blessing 05/12/15 - Miraculous Mothers and a Leaping Baby 04/30/15 - The Covenant with Noah 04/30/15 - Nothing Will Be Impossible with God 04/23/15 - Silence Turned to Joy 04/23/15 - The New World & the Sanctity of Life 04/23/15 - An Introduction to the Gospel of Luke 04/15/15 - A Reminder from Dietrich Bonhoeffer 04/14/15 - The Lord is My Shepherd 04/14/15 - Raised to New Life 04/14/15 - The Day Death Died 04/14/15 - The Flood Judgment & Re-Creation 04/02/15 - Be Careful How You Sing 03/25/15 - Beware That Your Hearts Are Not Deceived 03/24/15 - How Great Thou Art 03/24/15 - Faithful in a Faithless World 03/17/15 - The Regret & Grief of God Considered 03/10/15 - Envying the World 03/10/15 - The Grief & the Grace of God 03/04/15 - A Sinner's Psalm 03/04/15 - The Sons of God & the Daughters of Men 02/26/15 - The Life of the Chosen 02/26/15 - The Reign of Death & the Hope of Life 02/19/15 - Civilization and the Spread of Sin 02/19/15 - Vigilant to the End 02/13/15 - The Lips of the Righteous 02/12/15 - Our Compassionate & Loving Father 02/12/15 - Where Are Your Feet? 02/03/15 - The God who forgives 02/03/15 - Humbled under his hand 01/27/15 - Remembering His Blessings 01/27/15 - Shepherds After the Chief Shepherd's... 01/20/15 - The Sinner's Need & Hope 01/20/15 - Suffering for the Name 01/13/15 - The End of All Things, Part 3 01/13/15 - Blood Which Speaks Better Than Abel's 01/07/15 - Clothed with White Robes 01/06/15 - The Birth of the Serpent's Seed 01/04/15 - How to Be Strong for the New Year 12/29/14 - Why the Son of God Appeared, Part 2 12/23/14 - The End of All Things, Part 2 - Love &... 12/23/14 - Why the Son of God Appeared 12/16/14 - The End of All Things [Sermon] 12/16/14 - Grace & Judgment in the Garden-Temple... 12/09/14 - Sin & Temptation, Part 2 [Sermon] 12/09/14 - Adam, Where Are You? [Sermon] 12/09/14 - Let's Get Ready to Suffer [Sermon] 11/25/14 - Sin & Temptation [Sermon] 11/25/14 - The Suffering Savior Triumphs [Sermons] 11/18/14 - Revolt in the Garden-Temple [Sermon] 11/18/14 - Blessed Suffering [Sermon] 11/12/14 - Marriage: This Mystery Is Great [Sermon]