1. With grateful hearts for God’s free grace, Unto the Lord salvation trace; Join now your voices, let us sing All glory unto Zion’s King.
2. Amazing, free and saving grace, Was given to a chosen race; In love God gave us to His Son, Before creation was begun.
3. Behold free grace, Christ Jesus came. Who can refuse to praise His Name? From heav’n He came our debt to pay; And washed our ev’ry sin away.
4. Adore God’s free, effectual grace, Which led us to the Son embrace; Within our hearts the Seed was sown; To us the gospel was made known.
5. So let us sing of God’s free grace, And Jesus Christ our Hiding Place; O what a sweet and precious theme, Grace reigns through righteousness supreme.
*************************************************************************** The Lord left His church two ordinances which typify His effectual, substitutionary sacrifice: believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Today it is our honor to partake of the Lord’s Supper, the bread and the wine being emblems of our Savior’s body and blood. When Christ instituted this ordinance He said to His disciples, "this is My body which is given for you" (Luke 22:19), "this is My blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins" (Matthew 26:28). We receive these elements in delightful obedience to our Redeemer’s command, "this do in remembrance of Me." -- Pastor Jim Byrd
*************************************************************************** FREE WILL VS. FREE GRACE Free-will doctrine teaches that the success of God’s eternal purpose of salvation, the triumph of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the effectual work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration are all dependent upon the will of the sinner. To those who have been given an understanding of the gospel of free grace, the teachings of free-willism are repulsive because they are so contrary to the Scriptures which declare, "Salvation is of the LORD" (Jonah 2:9). The eternal purpose of the Father to save a chosen multitude cannot be frustrated. The redemptive work of Jesus Christ by which He satisfied divine justice, finished transgression, put away the sins of His people, made reconciliation for iniquity and brought in everlasting righteousness shall never be a failure. The regenerating power of the Holy Spirit cannot be resisted. He will quicken dead sinners and grant them repentance from dead works and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Make no mistake about it, any message associated with free-willism is a false gospel; it is set in opposition to the truth of God and the glory of God. Free-willism makes man his own savior. It takes the honor of salvation away from the Lord and gives it to the sinner. It makes salvation to be dependent upon, not the sovereign will of God, but the will of the creature. Free-willism is nothing more than idolatry; it is the worship of man’s will and the exaltation of the sinner over the Lord. -- Pastor Jim Byrd ***************************************************************************
DESIGN OF TESTINGS One of the principal designs of our gracious heavenly Father in the ordering of our path, in the appointing of our testings and trials, in the discipline of His love, is to bring us to the end of ourselves, to show us our own powerlessness, to teach us to have no confidence in the flesh, that His strength may be made perfect in our conscious and realized weakness. –A. W. Pink
*************************************************************************** TWO LETTERS OR FOUR? "There is a wide difference between your religion and mine," said a Christian lady to one in whose spiritual condition she had long been interested. "Indeed," said he, "how is that?" "Your religion," she replied, "has only two letters in it and mine has four." It seems that this gentleman was one of that numerous class seeking to get to heaven by their doings, by attention to ordinances and ceremonies, by what the apostle, in the ninth of Hebrews, terms "dead works" (verse fourteen). But he did not understand about the "two letter" or the "four." His friend had often spoken to him, and on the occasion to which our anecdote refers, she had called to take her leave of him for some time, as she was about to go from home. "What do you mean," said he, "by two letters and four?" "Why, your religion," said the lady, "is D-O; whereas mine is D-O-N-E." This was all that passed. The lady took her leave; but her words remained and did their work in the soul of her friend - a revolutionary work, verily. The entire current of his thoughts was changed. DO is one thing; DONE is quite another. The former is legalism; the latter is Gospel. –Author Unknown