For we are the circumcision,which worship God in the spirit,and rejoice in Christ Jesus,and have no confidence in the flesh." (Philippians 3:3) ____________________________ THE CHURCH OF JESUS Tune: "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place" CM/DOUBLE Words by Jim Byrd
1. The church of Jesus which He chose, Forevermore shall stand; Each of the names of His elect, Are graven on His hands. The Lord who chose her by His grace, Ordained that she would be; Redeemed, forgiven, justified, Safe for eternity.
2. Christ came to save His chosen bride, To cleanse her from all stain; And when redemption’s work was done, Went to His throne again. Though all defiled by sin and shame, No goodness we possess; Yet pure before the law we stand In Christ our Righteousness.
3. Yes, troubles will befall the church, And Satan shall oppose; Yet all the ransomed ones shall rise, Triumphant o’er her foes. Soon the redeemed in garments white, Will see Christ face to face; And sing the praises of the Lamb, Who saved her by His grace. _______________________________ Daily Readings- September 11-17 Sunday - Ezekiel 43-45 Monday - Ezekiel 46-48 Tuesday - Daniel 1-3 Wednesday- Daniel 4-6 Thursday - Daniel 7-9 Friday - Daniel 10-12 Saturday- Hosea 1-6
"WILL YE ALSO GO AWAY?" John 6:67 Consider all the forces that are making a concerted effort against those who profess to believe the gospel. Powers far greater than ours are committed to seeing our hopes dashed so that we fail to reach the land of everlasting rest. There are forces from without. The strength, deceptiveness and cleverness of Satan are engaged against us. He seeks our everlasting destruction. The allurements of the world are ready to entrap us. The deceitfulness of riches would choke out the Word of God. False religion would persuade us to water down the truth as it disguises error with that which appears to be love, compassion and sincerity. Unbelieving friends and family members try to seduce us from the truth because they are offended by the gospel of Christ. They would urge us to "stop being so narrowminded." And there is that internal force of our own depravity that is opposed to everything spiritual. We are aware, to some extent, of our weaknesses and know that if left to ourselves, we would be overcome in a moment by powers from without as well as from within. We can almost hear the Master direct the question to us, "Will ye also go away?" We have seen others appear to begin the Christian race and then, by and by, fall victim to some snare, turn away from the truth and follow Christ no more. What then is our hope of continuance in the gospel of God? It is just this. The Lord - Who took us into everlasting union with Himself in electing grace, Who redeemed us by the sacrifice of Himself, Whose righteousness has been imputed to us, Who quickened us by His Spirit - will not let His people go. He Who justified us will not reverse His eternal decree. He Who gave us faith to believe will not allow that confidence in Christ to die. Thankfully, the salvation of the Lord’s people has always been dependent upon the Son of God, and we rejoice in His words concerning His sheep: "I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand" (John 10:28-29). So, if the question is put to us - "Will ye also go away?" - with confidence in the purpose of the Father, the purchase of the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit, we humbly reply in the words of Simon Peter, "Lord, to Whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God" (John 6:68-69). --Pastor Jim Byrd
LITTLE COMMITMENT, MUCH INDIFFERENCE, FEW DEDICATED We see so little true commitment, so much indifference, and so few dedicated people in today’s religious world that we may be prone to accept this attitude as normal. But it is not so! David wrote in Psalm 147:18, "He sendeth out His word and MELTETH THEM." Paul wrote in Romans 8:6, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be SPIRITUALLY MINDED is life and peace." If God is pleased to move in love and grace upon a person, the very life of Christ is formed in him and UNBELIEF is driven out by God-given-faith. INDIFFERENCE departs at the revelation of God’s glory in the face of Christ. IGNORANCE vanishes as Christ is revealed in His work of redemption as Just and Justifier. SELF-PRIDE disappears before His grace and mercy. SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS has not the slightest claim in the light of His perfect obedience. SELF-LOVE takes an awful beating in the light of His love for us. No! It would be IMPOSSIBLE for a true child of His great, invincible grace to be indifferent or uncommitted after the melting of His Word and the revelation of His love. –Henry Mahan