June 5, 2011
Websites: all-of-grace.net lantanagrace.org sermonaudio.com/dleeb
The Story of Jesus
There on the cross hung Jehovah,
The Lord God our Righteousness.
He came in flesh for His chosen.
For those He gave His own Rest.
The wrath of God was upon Him,
Dying for sin and in shame.
Bless'd be the Name of our Savior.
He came for those in His Name.
He who came down from His glory
Gave His own life for their sin.
Covered with His blood are they now,
Blameless and holy in Him.
One day we'll see Him in Glory,
The Lamb of God on His throne.
The Son of God who completed
Redemption's plan for His own.
Our Sov'reign God is victorious.
Not one of His has been lost.
Glory to God in the highest.
We will praise Him with His host.
We will bow down in His presence,
Thanking Him for all He's done
How He took these poor lost sinners
And made them heirs with His Son.
By Gary Spreacker
(Tune: “Tell me the Story of Jesus”, Pg.106)
Only Two Religions
One of Cain and the other of Abel...One of Ishmael and the other of Isaac…. One of Esau and the other of Jacob… One of law and the other of promise… One of Mount Sinai and the other of Mount Calvary… One condemns, the other finds no fault… One leads to bondage, the other to freedom…. One tendeth to death, the other to life…. One of weakness, the other of power… One of merit, the other of mercy… One of the weakness of the letter, the other of the power of the Spirit.
– Copied
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"I will feed my flock." Ezekiel 34:15
The only real food of the soul must be of God's own appointing, preparing, and communicating.
You can never deceive a hungry child. You may give it a plaything but still its cries. It may serve for a few minutes; but the pains of hunger are not to be removed by a doll. A toy horse will not allay the cravings after the mother's breast.
So with babes in grace. A hungry soul cannot feed upon playthings. Altars, robes, ceremonies, candlesticks, bowings, mutterings, painted windows, intoning priests, and singing men and women; these dolls and wooden horses; these toys and playthings of the religious baby house, cannot feed the soul that, like David, cries out after the living God. (Psalm 42:23)
Christ, the bread of life, the manna that came down from heaven, is the only food of the believing soul. (John 6:51)
- J.C. Philpot
What is our goal as a congregation? What is the target at which we continually aim? Our business is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, maintaining the purity of this glorious message of redeeming grace, and in so doing, we glorify the name of our great God and King. We preach the truth, ever prayerful for the conversion of sinners. We declare that salvation is of the Lord, according to His eternal purpose of redemption. We proclaim Jesus Christ to be the mighty Savior who, by His life, death and resurrection, satisfied all the requirements of divine justice for those for whom He was the Substitute He reconciled His chosen people to God by His "obedience unto death, even the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8). He has, therefore, been exalted as Lord over all. We rely upon the Holy Spirit to apply the Word of grace to ransomed sinners. In short, we seek to glorify the Lord our God; all that we do is with this one goal in view. Having a larger congregation is not our goal Making our church more appealing to the natural man is not our goal. We are not trying to manipulate or sneak up on the unsuspecting with the intent of getting them to make a religious decision. We have no interest in the approval of other preachers or churches. That which we seek is the glory of God. We declare His supremacy in creation, providence and in the kingdom of grace. We proclaim the preeminence of Jesus Christ. In His High Priestly prayer, our Savior said that as a reward for finishing the work the Father sent Him to do, "Thou hast given Him power over all flesh that He should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him" (John 17:2). It is our duty to preach the glorious person of Christ, His successful accomplishment of redemption, and command sinners to believe on the Name of the only begotten of the Father. We rely upon the Spirit of God to do His work in the hearts of the needy. It is by His power the spiritually dead are quickened and brought to rely on Christ for forgiveness of sins and a right standing before a holy God. If the Lord is pleased to reveal Himself to someone’s heart, we will ascribe all glory to Him for that salvation freely given through the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Simply put, ours is a singular goal, to give God the glory for all things. - Pastor Jim Byrd