Man's will has never determined one single event in the world's history and never will. God's will alone determines events and brings them to pass. It is true that men do act according to their choice, will, intellect and reason, but this is not the whole truth. The whole truth is that every event, circumstance, opportunity, happening and thought, whether good or bad, that influences and motivates man's choice is foreordained of God. Sovereignty is the prerogative of God alone. Man is God's creature. There is no such thing as an independent creature. There is no such thing as a free creature. All created things are totally dependent upon and absolutely subject to their Creator's will. If God is the Creator of this universe, He is sovereign over it; and if He is not sovereign over the universe, He is not its Creator.
This truth is self-evident to all honest minds. To deny God as sovereign is to deny Him as Father. To deny Him as Father is to deny Him as Saviour. The denial of God's sovereignty is in essence and fact the complete denial of God. To deny God is to proclaim the utterly unbelievable and absolutely impossible absurdity that man made himself; and that he came from nowhere and goes nowhere; that he lives and dies without purpose or reason; and, that his thoughts and actions have no meaning whatsoever. To deny God is to proclaim the theory that the universe is without cause, reason, purpose, meaning, destiny or hope.
The sovereignty of God is absolute. To acknowledge this truth is at once to acknowledge that God has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass; that nothing else can come to pass; that predestination is a fact; that God does rule in the kingdoms of men; that all human ties, bonds and relationships are divinely appointed and formed; that salvation rests solely, fully and only in God's election; that salvation is by God's grace and His grace alone; and, that no part of man's salvation is of himself either in origin or execution. Where men get the idea that man's will is the all-determining factor or moving cause of his salvation is hard to see. Certainly they do not get it from the Bible. "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." (John 1:11-13) "Any sermon that does not have Christ in the beginning, the middle, and the end is a mistake in conception and a crime in execution." - Scott Richardson
Brethren, we all say and do things that are not becoming of a Christian. And every one of us has felt the cold steel of Satan’s traps bite hard into our weak flesh. But our Saviour wears a name that has proven to be true time and time again. Jesus Christ is “THE DELIVERER”! The Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father (Gal. 1:4). Rest assured, if Christ is with us He has delivered us, He is delivering us and He will yet deliver us (2 Cor. 1:10).” - Pastor Gene Harmon
One Answer to Ten Thousand How’s
Faith brings God into the scene. Therefore, it knows absolutely nothing of difficulty; it laughs at impossibilities. In the judgment of faith, God is the answer to every question; He is the salvation to every difficulty…Unbelief says, how can such things be? Unbelief is full of flaws; but faith has one great answer to ten thousand hows, and that answer is God Almighty. - Scott Richardson
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ... (Js. 1:1)
Religion has a complex hierarchy whereby sinful worms are able to aspire to and attain titles.
You can be an Arch-worm, or a worm superior. We will refer to you as your worminess.
In God’s kingdom there are just two titles: God and servant.His preachers are His servants, just like all His people are, and could not imagine a more privileged position.
One of the principal designs of our gracious heavenly Father in the ordering of our path, in the appointing of our testings and trials, in the discipline of his love, is to bring us to the end of ourselves, to show us our own powerlessness, to teach us to have no confidence in the flesh, that his strength may be made perfect in our conscious and realized weakness. - A W. Pink
- Pastor Chris Cunningham
The Strength of God Genesis 32: 25…he touched the hollow of his thigh