Greetings in Jesus' Name from Naples, Italy, Outstanding! Simply Outstanding!!!!! That's what kind of things the Lord has been doing here in the Naples, Italy area. We have just finished our first Missions Conference since I've been here. Dr. David Bouler and his wife Sue came here to be with us, and the church will be doubling it's missions support to missionaries. Not only that, but we are sending one of our very own African Refugees (a lay preacher Bonsue) back to Ghana for about two months on a Missionary Journey (Shades of the Apostle Paul sent on his missionary journeys from the church at Antioch). The Missions Conference was held from 1-3 April, but then Dr. Bouler also preached a tremendous final sermon on Wednesday evening the 6th before departing for the States on Thursday.
Additionally, Sue Bouler held a Ladies Bible Study, Friday morning the 1st, in a Navy wife's quarters on the Navy base. After the Sunday morning services we transformed the church from chairs and pews to tables, and then a meal on the grounds, followed by a couple songs, and the final Conference preaching service right then and there.
Several life changing decisions were made at the alter by men and women. Families joined the church, folks came forward in profession of salvation, and various other decisions were made in the total of four messages preached by Dr. Bouler.
And, my what a fine day we had in church just this past Sunday the 17th of April. My what a fine, Godly spirit we had. There was another record broken - at least since Linda and I have been here - with 47 folks for the morning service and 22 for the evening service. There are still folks out as a result of the Libyan situation, never the less, there is a real excitement here. One of our new families that transfered in from England around January, has just five weeks ago had a baby boy -Daniel- and they came forward to dedicate him to The Lord during the morning service.
There is such a vibrant spirit and excitement that is readily apparent, and the attitude seems to be enveloping everyone. We may have to go to two morning services before long, as some of us discussed later Sunday evening after the services were over. We can fit about 60 folks quite readily, but after that it'll be getting a bit squishy....
This next weekend - Easter Weekend - may prove to be a little lower as here in Europe when the military gets a three or four day weekend, many of the folks leave to visit other parts of Europe on Holiday. I know of two families who have already told me they will be gone. But, we may possibly make up the difference with visitors!
As I write this prayer letter, Linda is at one of the Navy bases holding a ladies Bible study with several of the wives. I have just received a phone call from a former Navy officer who is, now a dependant Navy wife of a JAG officer, concerning another Bible study Linda holds individually with her. Linda is also regularly holding a third weekly Bible study in Lago Patria for several African refugee ladies. Somehow it all fits in!
The Lord willing, I'll be starting to teach courses of the International Bible Institute to our refugees, and other's who may be interested. Initially it will be 36 lessons covering Great Doctrines of the Bible. Please pray for me, and us as we get this project under weigh!
Please pray for Linda and I concerning our ministry, and to be effective reaching souls here and around the world through our missions emphasis. And, (The Lord says, "you have not because you ask not" so I'm asking) please pray for a good, no a great pianist and a great song leader to come be in our church. We really could use some help in the music department!!!!!! So pray for us in that way too, please.
The Lord willing the 24th of next month (May '68), Linda and I will be celebrating out 43rd wedding anniversary. The number says it's been a long time, but it's really just been a little while! It's great marrying your High School Sweetheart!!!
One last prayer request, please keep lifting my son before The Lord - Corporal Joshua Truitt, as he serves with the Marines in Afghanistan!
In Christ's Service,
Chuck and Linda Truitt