Sambat andf Liep Heng are both fine hard working young men in our church who were not saved at this time last year.
Ta Samnang and his wife Yiey Sokhom are and elderly couple who both face severe health problems. At the beginning of 2010 they were begging the spirits and bowing to the monks to spare Yiey's life. Now that they have accepted Christ as their Saviour, the spirit altars have been taken down and smashed outside of the house.
Watee drives a "tuk tuk" (passenger cart pulled by a moped) to support his family. Early 2010 he decided to finally give in and attend one of the church services that he was transporting the Wood family to. His heart started to seek God and in November of 2010, he finally accepted Christ. Since accepting Christ, his attitude towards the people of God and the Word of God has changed drastically.
Sarom is a solid Christian from a rock-solid church in Siam Riep. He came to us, because he is attending college here in Phnom Penh.
2010 saw big steps forward for the land fund.
New Hope Baptist Church has been giving and saving money to buy property since late 2007. In June of 2010, God gave the church an opportunity to buy a small piece of land for investment.
New Hope's land fund topped $6000 as of December 31st.
First Baptist Church of Bridgeport, our sending church, has now given us an additional $12,000 to bring our total of cash and assets right up to $18,000!
2010 saw loyalty to Christ and to New Hope Baptist Church
While dealing with a serious moral problem in the church, I was pleased at how the leadership helping me deal with the problem kept things confidential and appropriate.
One family in the church allowed and facilitated the marriage of their daughter to an un-believer. Within a month, another family conducted and participated in a Buddhist funeral betraying Christ. Some members in the church thought I should be more loyal and supportive of both these families. Thank God for solid people in New Hope Baptist Church whose loyalty to Christ brought them to my side to encourage me in preserving the testimony of Christ and our church.
Moving the physical location of our church was not in our plans, but it has helped our people see that our church is not a location but a group of people. Our focus of worship is not within a building but lives within our hearts and reigns over all the universe.
2010 saw illness and recovery for Becky.
At the beginning of 2010, we suspected that Becky had what some call Adrenal Gland Exhaustion. In July, her health took a turn for the worse. Our lives were turned upside down for a while. We had to make some decisions about treatment. The treatment we decided to follow is making an incredible difference. Though Becky's health is not back to "normal", God has given us reason to hope that she will get back to 100% in the near future. Keep praying for her.
2010 is now in the past and 2011 is already underway. Without a doubt, 2010 was the most difficult year of our ministry thus far. We know "that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope:" So "let patience have her perfect work, that ye (we) may be perfect and entire wanting nothing." I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for patiently enduring tribulation of the worst kind to give us hope. There is a small group of people called New Hope Baptist Church in Phnom Penh, Cambodia that is following Christ and His example. The Ruppels did not have tribulation this year, New Hope Baptist Church did. In some it worked patience, and now we have experience that has brought us closer together and is giving us hope for the future. 2011 is full of hope for us! Thank God for allowing me to be a part of this special group of people!