"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21) __________________________________________________________________
Waiting at the Throne of Grace Tune to MAJESTIC SWEETNESS CM Words by JIM BYRD
1. O sovereign Lord to Thee we come, Before Thy throne we fall; Reveal to us Thy precious Son, As on Thy Name we call, As on Thy Name we call.
2. Though wicked, full of sin and death, To Thee alone we cry; Through Jesus show Thy sovereign grace, And save us else we die, And save us else we die.
3. Descend and do a mighty work, Dead sinners then will live; It is within Thy sovereign right, Thy saving grace to give, Thy saving grace to give.
4. The glory shall be Thine alone, For Who can save but Thee? No arm but Thine the work can do, To set the captives free, To set the captives free. _________________________________________________________________
The salvation of sinners does not mean that God casts aside His justice and bestows mercy instead. Mercy is never shown at the expense of justice, but upon the basis of justice satisfied by the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ. _________________________________________________________________
Christ Did Not Travail in Vain
Travail is a commonly used word describing the birth pains of a woman; it includes that time from the onset of labor to the birth of a child. Many a woman has experienced great travail only to give birth to a still-born infant. All the travail, pain, and labor ended with unparalleled grief and bitter disappointment.
The word travail is also used with reference to our Lord’s sufferings and death upon the cross. "He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied" (Isaiah 53:11), but His labor was not in vain. He did not endure untold agonies, only to be grieved and disappointed with the outcome. If one for whom He died would finally perish in their sins, He would not have been "satisfied." Christ saw the fruit of His labor - the redemption of His people, the putting away of our sins - and was "satisfied." He looked beyond the humiliation and degradation, beyond the sorrows and sufferings, beyond the pangs of labor, beyond being forsaken by the Father, beyond His "obedience unto death" and saw the accomplishment of redemption and He was "satisfied." "Satisfied" means filled with pleasure and delight. Actually, the original word "satisfied" is sometimes translated "filled," as in Exodus 16:12, "in the morning ye shall be filled with bread." When a man is filled, he can eat no more; the appetite is satisfied. Christ Jesus died in the stead of His people. He paid the price of our redemption and justice can demand no more. The result of His "travail" filled Him with satisfaction. The same word is also rendered "enough" in 2 Chronicles 31:10, "we have had enough to eat, and have left plenty." Our Lord Jesus gazed past His toil and labor and saw that His substitutionary sacrifice was "enough." Those who insist something must be added to the death of Christ to make redemption complete, speak contrary to the Scriptures. The Savior declared that His travail was enough! His blood was enough! Nothing can be added to that which is "enough." "It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me." The death of the Son of God was enough for His own righteous demands and He was "satisfied." Another way this word is used is found in Proverbs 28:19, "He that tilleth His land shall have plenty." Our bleeding Substitute knew His sacrifice was more than sufficient to cancel our indebtedness and bring in everlasting righteousness. "With the LORD there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption" (Psalm 130:7). Christ saw the results of His redemptive work; He saw the effects of His travail; He saw grace reigning through righteousness; He saw His people being brought to glory and He was "satisfied." His "travail" was not in vain. _________________________________________________________________
No Good Thing Withheld
"No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." (Psalm 84:11)
If the Lord has brought us to believe His gospel, we may rest assured that He will never withhold from us that which would be beneficial. Let us remember, however, He alone determines what is a "good thing." Our Father always chooses those things which will profit us, though they may not please us. The fact of the matter is simply this: we have no ability to discern what is good for us, but He does. In what He gives or withholds, let us always perceive His Fatherly wisdom, lovingkindness and faithfulness. _________________________________________________________________
Why am I made to see, who am by nature blind? Why am I taken home to Thee, and others left behind? Because Thy sovereign love, was bent the worst to save; Jesus, Who reigns enthroned above, the free salvation gave. –Augustus Toplady _________________________________________________________________
First Baptist Church 881 Van Dyke Road, P.O. Box 155, Almont, Michigan 48003 810-798-8888 Jim Byrd, Pastor
Sunday Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Television Broadcast over Cable Channel 97 in Almont, Imlay City and Dryden 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. WORSHIP SERVICE Wednesday: 7 p.m. Bible Study and Youth Groups
Pastor Byrd’s messages are accessible on www.freegraceradio.com, cassette and video tape, CD and DVD www.sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont email: fbc@airadvantage.net