Dear Praying Friends, As the year 2010 comes to a close, we are so thankful for how God has blessed our family as well as our mission church. I thank God for the growth we have seen in the lives of several of our people as they, too, have learned to labor for souls.
This fall we have seen sixteen adults and fifteen children accept Christ. Through the soulwinning efforts of our people, eight of those adults were saved in the seven weeks leading up to our fall campaign. Gabriel, an escort for the Secretary of the Mexican Army and member of our church, led Guadalupe to the Lord on Tuesday visitation and she continues to attend. Gabriel also won Leticia, a soldier’s wife who was staying with him and wife for a time. She has since returned to Morelia where she now attends a Baptist church.
Toby’s wife, Flor, invited two of her friends, Ariana and Ariana’s mother, Areceli, to church and both accepted Christ the following Saturday in their home. Toby also invited Norma to church on Tuesday visitation. She came and trusted Christ, and her grown daughters, Pamela and Montserrat, have since come out as well as Norma’s grandkids. Pray for Toby, a German young man, as he believes God wants him to return to Europe some day to be a missionary there.
Also saved before the campaign were Javier and his two teenage sons, who have been faithful since the fall and have asked to be baptized. Javier also had been invited by a member of our church, Elizabeth.
In our four-week fall campaign we saw eight other adults saved. On our first Sunday, Maria de Jesús was invited by Alicia, a member of our church, and was saved along with another woman. She also has been faithful to church ever since.
On our second Sunday, two young daughters of our members were saved in junior church. On the third Sunday, almost forty adults and children came from a nearby suburb, Nacaulpan, on a bus we rented as Gaspar, a member of our church, as well as Jacobo, Balbina, Marta, and Donaciano (four new adults who have been coming since this summer) brought in their neighbors to church. Two teens were saved from that bus and returned the following Sunday.
That same Sunday, Mary Carmen, another member, brought in 14 kids and teens from Cuautitlan Izcalli and one of those teens was saved. Lastly, Rogelio, a sergeant first class in the army, and his wife Beatrice were invited by Lourdes, Gabriel’s wife. Both of them trusted Christ, returned that Thursday night, and have asked to be baptized.
Clint Rardin