Yesterday, we celebrated our 6th anniversary of the church. Our people had given out all the thousands of invitations in just three days (Monday-Wednesday). We had 136 in attendance including many new visitors who said they wanted to continue to attend. We had 13 children saved among the 43 children in the junior church. We had 49 people come on a microbus from Nacaulpan. Several on the bus were from the military base, including the family of Rogelio. He and his wife were saved last week. They returned on Thursday as well. He is the first sergeant I wrote about. Also, 29 of those on the bus came from a neighborhood where a couple of families have been bringing their neighbors. Jacobo, Marta, Balbina, and Donaciono have been coming since the summer and have been a blessing getting people out. We may be continuing a route from there.
Fourteen were brought by Mary Carmen in a van from Cuautitlan Izcalli and we brought in a few in the new van, including Maria de Jesus,who was saved the first Sunday of the campaign.
German, the Columbian in our church, gave an impacting testimony of his salvation in a German prison after years of being a leader in an international drug ring. One adult was saved in the adult service, a military officer named Miguel whom I have been writing about . Miguel is a full colonel and a former special forces officer who now commands one of the three airborne ranger battalions of the Mexican army. His wife has been attending with her two children for a couple of months. I have visited him in his home three times and Sunday was his second time attending. He would talk about the Lord in my visits to his home, but I doubted his salvation as I knew from his wife about his infidelity and as he admitted to me about his social drinking. After a hard message from 1 Corinthians 6 about who would not inherit the kingdom of God, Miguel held up his hand and kept it up during the entire invitation. I had the German man in our church deal with him and the first thing that came out of Miguel's mouth was, "I need to repent." Toby dealt thoroughly with him and he asked the Lord to save him in his own words. Please pray for his growth in the Lord.
Please pray also for the Christian growth of the eleven adults who have been saved since September, eight of whom continue to attend: pray that they be baptized in the next couple of weeks in our new baptistery and that they, with several new families, be received as members in our business meeting at the end of the month.