Dear Praying Friends: Our trip: Wi doro kaba (We have arrived in Suriname)! We are grateful for your prayers. When we called SLM airline on last week Monday, we found out that they had cancelled our flight on Wednesday but never notified us. The lady was very helpful, and arranged for us to stay overnight for two nights at a motel nearby. We left on a cold Wednesday morning, scraping off the frost, and arrived in temperature in the 80's in Miami. We had a very adequate room with a free big breakfast, so we only had to have two meals out. We ate our cereal at noon, supplemented with a roll and yogurt left over from breakfast. It was nice to be able to begin to adjust to the heat for two days in Miami.
We had prayed that the Lord would use us for His service during our stay in Miami. Thursday morning at breakfast, a lady 88 years old, who was helping serve breakfast, came to us while we were eating and thanked us for praying before our meal. This led to a brief conversation and a tract. Then Liz went to drop off some mail at the front desk, and there was the lady. She was able to give her a much more detailed tract on salvation as well as go through the entire plan of salvation with her. She promised to read the tracts and share them with her 79 year old husband. She appeared to be “religious”, but probably not yet saved. However, she was most receptive, and gave Liz a big hug before leaving. Had Liz not gone down a second time after breakfast, she would have missed her, as she volunteers only two day a week. We passed out many tracts in our two days in Miami, and also had several excellent opportunities to witness and go through the plan of salvation with several people, including two military men on the USA soccer team going to play an international tournament in Suriname. We arrived at the airport at 11:15, and the team arrived shortly thereafter. Liz also had a chance to talk with another couple, while I also talked in detail to a young man going to Aruba, which was our first stop.
Because of stormy weather, our departure was delayed from Miami, but we arrived safely in Suriname early Saturday AM and fell into bed shortly before 5 AM. We are glad to be back, and already see several different things that the Lord would be having us to do in the days ahead. I will outline them as the situations become clearer. I preached last night for the third time since our return. There has been a delay in our move toward independence because of some technical changes in the reports we need to submit. We hope to have them done by next Saturday.
My tooth: I had some pain eating for several days, but had asked for prayer and did not want to go unnecessarily to a dentist - especially in Miami. I had gone twice in the USA and had a filling, but expected with continued pain to need a root canal. However, the pain has continued to diminish to the point that it is virtually gone, and I am able to eat without pain or difficulty. Thanks for praying! I am most grateful.
As usual, on our return, some things need to be repaired. Monday five different electrical problems were fixed, and our airconditioners were cleaned out on Tuesday. We are working on getting the finances up to date. We continue to work on getting computers updated, especially one which crashed while on furlough.
- Safe arrival
- Opportunities to witness
- Challenges to see the Lord’s work go forward
Prayer requests:
- Health and strength for the work
- Our continued spiritual growth and effective prayer life
- Future developments in the ministry here
- Independence of the churches completed
- Safety driving
- Effective soulwinning and discipleship
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton